Friday, 9 November 2007


It's been a while since I posted anything related to TV, that's because I've mostly been watching Heroes only. The downloads are currently having to wait till the end of the month, because my family is going through our 12gig limit so quickly. So I have cut down to just Heroes season 2.

So far it's pretty good. Kristin Bell showed up with her new character. Although I'm not sure if I like her yet...she seems a little annoying.
I've also been watching the season 1 dvds. I'm up to ep 19 or something. But this dvd set totally wins the prize for best commentaries. Almost every ep has one! I guess you can afford to do that with such a big cast. I haven't listened to any of them yet, but I plan to try and do one later today.

ER is also going pretty well this season. It was a little slow getting started, but I think it's going to go big again. I now it's been 14 years, but the cast has changed so much it's practically a new show. Sometimes the stories are really lacking, when I know they can do much much better. I also think they are missing someone. They need a new character.

I also got the first 4 eps of Private Practice, Grey's and Brothers and Sisters from Ness.
I've only watch the first 3 of PP and Grey's, and only 1 of Brothers and Sisters. I really like PP, I love the cast. Even Audra McDonald is rubbing off on me. Though I still miss Merrin. :(
I totally agree with Ness' comment about it needing opening credits, with a song. I think something Ally McBeal-ish would work. It needs something kicky. But other than that I like the show. They also all have dark hair..'cept for Addison of course. I dislike KaDee Strickland's character...she bugs me. lol

Grey's is good as always. Having the gang as bosses is kinda funny. I don't like Lexie that much...but she might grow on me. I think it's possible that Mark has become a bit of a filler floater person. He doesn't do much. Or maybe that's just me.
Edward Herrman as the intern totally weirds me out...he kinda looks like Santa. lol.

I can't say much about B & S yet. The first ep was pretty good. So I'll see how it goes.


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