Friday, 12 October 2007

The Waiting Game

So while tv series are back in the US, I'm forced to restrict my downloads. At the moment I'm only getting Heroes...and I'll hold off getting the 3rd ep till early next week I think.
This is the trouble with sharing your internet with 4 other people, 2 of which like to download stuff too!

Anyways...onto something a little more tv related. I've been watching A LOT of Grey's Anatomy lately, what with my lack of shows getting downloaded, and waiting for new eps of things from Ness. (I'm actually doing quite well at not dying for them yet actually. -I bet it will get worse once I've seen a few)
So theres's something I've been thinking about on Grey's. So it's been said that both Burke and Derek (I try to avoid calling him 'McDreamy'..but whatever.) both earn around 2 million dollars a year. Okay so we know Derek is super rich, and has all that land, and 'likes' living in the teeny tiny trailer...seriously..he needs to get a house or something.
Oh and okay, I know Burke's not in it anymore...but his appartment was TINY. I'm sure he could have found a slightly bigger, nicer place than that....seriously! I guess he was saving his moola for something else. oh well.

Oh and I've decided I want to know more about Alex's past. They've hinted at a few things, but I'm hoping that maybe this season they'll reveal something more.

Apparently I've got a one track mind at the moment. I've got a few more eps of Grey's, then I'll start Heroes season 1. Yay!
I need to buy more tv dvds!


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