Monday, 1 October 2007

TV is BACK!!!!

Well it's that time again. All the shows are coming back and the new ones starting up.

This year I'm downloading Heroes, ER, NCIS and Las Vegas. I had a lot of trouble getting the premire of Heroes. There were lots of fake files, which was very annoying. But I finally found it later in the week. Yay!

I had a mini-marathon Saturday night of ER, Heroes and NCIS. I watched the 2 hour (1.24 hours technically) of Las Vegas last night, as it was still downloading Saturday.

Out of all the eps, I think Heroes and Las Vegas were the best! NCIS and ER were both good, but lacking something. I know both can do better. ER's finale wasn't up to scratch either. I really hope they get their butts into gear soon.

I think LV and Heroes are going to be my main shows to download. And ER and NCIS my end of internet month fillers or to catch up on during breaks.

Ness is downloading Brothers & Sisters, Grey's and the new Spin-off Private Practice. I'll have to wait for those, but it's something to look forward to.

As far as new shows go, nothing sounds that great. (not counting PP) I'll wait and see what takes off. I don't want to get into something only for it to get canned after a few eps.

New Heroes to watch tomorrow. Woot!


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