Thursday, 22 November 2007

Totally Flipped Around

In this past week I've totally changed my TV viewing habits. Since I've finished with Uni, I've had a lot more time to watch things. I've watched all the Heroes commentaries minus the last one, and they have all been pretty good! Greg Grunberg does quite a few of them and they totally rock! He always is good for a laugh. lol
I've watched 8 eps of the new season. It's very interesting and getting a little exciting. But I decided to hold off on downloading this weeks ep, so that I could catch up on my other shows. I've downloaded the next 3 ER eps. And I am totally loving ER this year. They seem to be going old school - bringing back characters (and actors) that haven't been around for a while, such as Sam Anderson, Amy Aquino and the guy that plays the chief or whatever....
They also have been mentioning a few of the old characters from the early days and referencing things they used to do.
However, Abby seems to be the only character with much development this year. Everyone else has things going on...but they don't get too much into them. Now Abby is my fave, and has been since the oldies left, but I really wish they would get another female doc for the ER. Since Kerry left, it seems to be there aren't many docs around anymore, and other than Abby, they're all guys.
They also seem to be using Chuni as a character a lot more this season..she's in almost every ep and has decent interaction with the rest of them. Unforunately Haleh and Lily seem to be vanishing into the background...if they even make it into an ep.

I've got one more ep to get before I have my 4 for my disc for Ness. I'm working on getting the Las Vegas eps at the moment. I have ep 6, but only half of ep 5. We have been really good with our net usage this month, so we haven't even used up all our usage yet, close but not quite. There is only 3 days left anyways. So that's why I've been getting a lot of eps this week.

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