Tuesday, 24 April 2012

A Leave of Absence

So I've been slack with my blogging. A result if having too much on tv to watch, and other things to monopolize my time.

Private Practice came back 2 weeks ago, and I'm not sure if it was the fact that it has been gone a month, but I really enjoyed it. There was good sad stuff, not just sappy crap. That said, Mason still bugs me!
The ep last week wasn't quite as good, but still not terrible. Poor Amelia!
Still not used to the new time on Tuesdays, but at least it's on. I'm loving Scandal though!

I'm watch sooo much these days, it's hard to fit it all in, let alone blog about it. I think I might need to cut back, or at least wait on a few shows. I'm thus close to giving up on Glee, I just don't care...I feel the same about Revenge! I put it on, but it's so boring I only half pay attention!

I'm slowly getting to my DVDs. I've only got a few eps of Grey's season 7 left. Then it's into in plain sight season 2....and some more west wing...which I let myself start from the begging again! Its been too long!

Hopefully I can find time to watch those DVDs I've got sitting around...plus I've got more on the way!

Also I'm still waiting for a few of my shows to get picked up for another season! They better, or I'll be very very angry!!!


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