Wednesday, 6 January 2010

A New Year, A New Kind of Crazy!

So my intention, post Christmas, was to watch 30Rock and finish off season  3 of Grey's Anatomy. I have finished off 30Rock. However I have a few discs left of Grey's. -Which is okay cause I just ordered seasons 4 and 5 from Amazon, so I'll be done by the time they get here.

Now the part that is crazy, is that after watching all 3 Might Ducks movies in the last week, my sister decided she wanted to watch Dawson's Creek. I thought she was kidding! lol. I'd been considering going back and re-watching a few times in the last 2 years, but never got to it. So I thought we'd watch the first ep, and she'd be weirded out, A) cause its old, and B) cause its not like any other teen show....especially the ones on TV these days.
But she kept asking to watch more. So I gave it a few more eps, and somehow it has managed to keep her interest right into halfway of season 2. I'm enjoying watching it, while not paying full attention some of the time.
Its hard for me to watch and keep my mouth shut about some of the bigger events. I don't want to give her spoilers, cause I'm interested to see how she feels in the end RE: Joey choosing between Pacey and Dawson. I think part of me is more excited to see her reactions, than the actual bits themselves...which makes sense cause I've seen all the eps at least 3 times each.

In other TV news, our computer died over the weekend, meaning I haven't been able to download anything. Which totally sucks! I do have a couple of eps sitting on the laptop that I can watch, but I'm just not feeling motivated! Plus my laptop currently lives on the computer desk in the kitchen, connected to the net, so I am not going absolutely CRAZY!
Before it died, I had downloaded the first 2 episodes of Parks and Recreation, which I'm enjoying so far. I've also watched the first episode of Modern Family. It's okay. I'm not sure if I like it or not yet. I'll give it a few more eps, its a strage sort of show in terms of format...or something.

I'm sure I'll be branching out soon. Now that I'm done with 30Rock, I'll be able to start one of the many other shows waiting in the wings...aka my dvd shelf :P
Plus JB has Will & Grace really cheap, so I might have to buy up the last 3 seasons. Maybe ER, 2 seasons of that shouldn't take too long.....I hope :P


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