Saturday, 8 September 2007

A Random Dream...Don't Get Me Started!

This is copied from an email I sent to my friend Ness...(with minor editing)

Last night I had this majorly weird Gilmore Girls dream. It was like a full blown ep or something. (I'm going through serious watching Awww-worthy eps on foxtel sometimes doesn't help). in my dream, Lorelai (and Rory) moves to the country to get away from Stars Hollow...and Luke - this was set somewhere between when they broke up and when they got back together...-now I know you're probably saying to yourself, Stars Hollow isn't exactly city...but the was way way out middle of nowhere country...with horse and cart type Rory is still going off to college, and comes to visit sometimes...I forget exactly what happened in the middle, but near the end..which has been at least a year or something I think, this guy comes in this horse and carriage, and gives them these tins (think those eclipse mint tins), they are black and have writing on them...saying Christopher's death date or an obituary...and there reaction was sad...but not overly dramatic..which was a little strange...I think they didn't like Christopher for something...even Rory. SO anyhoo...I woke up around I don't know what happened after that.... Possibly Luke tracked them down and came to visit...maybe. lol Oh and there was a fire and some weird guests too.

.....The problem was I woke up early (for a weekend) in the morning, like 7am or something, and then sat in bed for a while before I went back to sleep, thinking how much I want them to make a Gilmore Girls tv movie. -and also just how much I hated...okay hated is a strong word, anyways..the last season (7) just wasn't up to scratch really in some ways. They really dragged out the Christopher thing...and I REALLY hate Christopher, and then didn't get Lorelai and Luke back together till the very end of the finale. ...just wasn't satisfactory as an ending at all! there's the whole loose end that is Sookie's 3rd child...okay even if it was a real life thing written into the should still be dealt with!

I think this whole, having no new eps of anything is really messing with me! I've got too much time to overthink things. -But you know what, I'm not the same way about the Crossing Jordan finale...I knew that CJ never stood a chance of ending in a good way...with Jordan and Woody have actually had a chance to TRY and have a relationship..rather than random one time deals...
Gilmore Girls always seemed tie up the loose ends they had, and had a very rounded out season...but season 7 felt too dragged out, and then they only had a short amount of time left for polishing it off.

Okay I will TRY and let it go....I said TRY!


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