Thursday, 10 May 2007

Bye-Bye Gilmore Girls

And so another of my shows bites the dust! Gilmore Girls will end at the end of this season, and I am going to be really really sad to see it go. I've been watching since season 1, and watch my dvds ALL the time! It's going to be very hard to not have any new eps....and even more hard for it to end, as there isn't time to wrap it up properly. Of course there is never an ending that will make people happy....cause endings aren't happy....they're ENDings.

I still don't know about CJ yet.....I think it may go...but I'm hoping with all hope that it will come back next season. I don't want to lose two shows at once again!

I seem to lose a show a show every year...which I guess is bound to happen when you watch A LOT of shows. But if CJ goes as well...then the longest running out of all the shows I watch will be, SVU, and Las Vegas. ...oh yeah..and ER.....which is in it's 13th season already!

Well however it all turns out, there is always dvds....but I will really miss the charcters of the Lorelai's Gilmore (Rory included), and the town of Stars Hollow, and Richard and Emily, and Logan, etc etc. The show got a lot of bad rap, but I still loved it! There's noone like Lorelai to bring you out of a really grumpy mood. .....'cept the eps where she broke up with Luke... :(

Rest in Peace dear Gilmore Girls....we knew ye well!


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