Thursday, 1 July 2010

Viva Las Vegas!

So OMG, I had truely forgotten just how much I LOVE Las Vegas the series! I finished season 1 today, and went straight into season 2. I'd forgotten how much I love the finale/premire. That whole Danny/Mary storyline was so sad and sweet. -As much as I loved Danny and Delinda, I was always a Danny/Mary girl.

I'd also forgotten just how awesome the cast commentaries from season 1 were! So sad they didn't do anymore later on. They were QUALITY! - I'd forgotten that the bloopers are joint with season I'll have to wait till I finish s2 before I can enjoy the fantabulous Las Vegas bloopers!

I must still say that one of my fave season 1 episodes was The Nights The Lights Went Out In Vegas! - I gotta say I love me a crazy crazy Sam. -Plus if you look at other shows, bottle eps are always some of the best. -An ep with only existing sets, where very few people appart from the cast speak. -Angel did a great one....and I'm sure there are others that I can't think of right now.

Another thing I am getting a lot of fun out of the rewatching, is all the people that pop up. People I know now cause of more main roles, or people that were famous that I had forgotten were in it. -Like today I watched an ep with Jay Harrington from Better Off Ted - and he was a BABY! As was Eric Dane! He looks much better in Grey's Anatomy if you ask me :P
Others that have popped up include, Jane Lynch, and Paul Ben-Victor. People I knew by face, but not by name untill recently.

Anyways...I just hope once I get to the Crossing Jordan crossover episodes, that I won't be too tempted to watch CJ. - Man just put out the rest of the seasons on dvd already!!!!!!


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