Wednesday 30 November 2011

Back to Normal...Almost

So last week was a super slow TV week. Hardly anything was on, Parenthood was on, but hardly had any Lauren Graham, which made me sad.

This week most things are back, but some shows will not be returning till next year. Boo :(

I was excited to have Once Upon a Time back. I just LOVE that show, more for seeing what they do with the fairytales, than the actual characters, but its all good.

Parenthood was good this week. I found myself actually feeling bad for Haddie....which is odd, since I don't like her much, but she deserved sympathy in this week's ep. I don't know why, but I found the scenes with Sarah and baby Nora odd....not bad, just weird. Found myself not caring much about the Crosby nothing different there....
Yay for Kristina going back to work, and getting something else to do.

Glee overall was good. The Puck and Shelby stuff still weirds me out....and Idina's song wasn't great this week...which was a pity, cause I actually liked all the other songs. Yay for The Beast! I liked her storyline...also cause it gave Emma a bit more to do....Emma really needs more going on.

Raising Hope was back on track this week. I enjoyed it muchly. The New Girl, however, is losing me more and more...yet I feel I can't quit it....and I don't know why.

Good stuff coming up later in the week. Can't wait for Katie Finneran's new show tomorrow!


Monday 21 November 2011

Friday Night TV Madness

So because I was out Thursday night I was a day behind on my tv. But since I was A) pathetic & B) exhausted, I had no plans Friday night and was able to use that time to catch up. The Friday shows took ages to download, so while that was annoying, it made it easier.

Suburgatory was quite good. Ana was a bit scary, but in a good way. Lol. -I really liked Tessa's party dress!
Modern Family was ok, but I think I've stopped caring about that show. Its just not as funny anymore.
Revenge was pretty good, glad it was back again. And wow, Ringer just keeps getting more and more twisted. I love it!
Bones was good. Nice to see Daisy in it again. I thought I didn't like her, but she's pretty entertaining.
Community was very lame. I didn't care for the ep at all. -Gotta say that Jeff dressed up as The Dean, I swore he looked just like David Cross from Arrested Development.

Parks and Recs. SOOOOOO good. But I must have been tired, cause the stuff with Leslie and Ben at the end made me cry....and then very very happy!!!!
I gotta say, I know Amy Poehler is funny as heck, but she has really nailed the dramatic stuff this season!!!!
And YAY for Ann, and decent Ann too! When did Ron become Andy's dad?

Private Practice took its time downloading, and so I didn't get to watch it till Saturday lunchtime. But it was SOOO worth the wait. The first hour was awesome, the intervention thing was done really well. Caterina Scorsone did a fantastic job. I also thought it was good to see Charlotte's reactions to things, like not voting on giving Amelia drugs and knowing that she was lying through her teeth - given her drug history and friendship with Amelia!
It was good to finally see Addison step up and take a little responsibility for Amelia. It really was Addison, Charlotte...and apparently Sheldon's place to take on they are the only ones that were friendly, but it was good the others were there to allied front is always good. -I still think it sucks that they never called Amelia's mother and brother in...maybe in the future.
-Sheldon is starting to freak me out...he's old enough to be Amelia's father, so any relationship there is just he's already been with Violet and big of an office slut is he?!

There were a few funny moments, like Amelia chanting for drugs, the riddler convo, and Violet and Pete cracking up on the kitchen floor.

The 2nd half was good, but a little Violet and Addy being friends...its seems weird. Plus Charlotte is now on the outside. -I miss Violet and Charlotte with martinis.
Violet and Pete make me sad. I wish they'd get over their crap....cause they can't split...that'd ruin the show!
Cooper missing his kid's play was soooo predictable...poor Charlotte having to go without Cooper and sit in the front row...(still funny picturing Charlotte King playing video games...). I liked Charlotte's crack at Addison "10 miles of bad road" (whatever the heck that means), and Violet telling her was a nice little flashback to the good old days....when Charlotte had spunk.

I guess its good that Jake got a little more backstory, a convenient tie-in too. But I just don't like him. I miss Naomi. Something feels wrong this season...and it can't be just that Naomi is gone, cause she was never there that much anyways....I'm still thrown by the fact that its been 9 eps and Char and Coop haven't mentioned sex once....what happened to these people?! lol more thing....did they actually celebrate a holiday/event in PPP?! They've never even referenced holidays before...and also....since when can Addison cook?! But it was still nice.


Thursday 17 November 2011

Tuesday Gold

So I wasn't expecting anything from Glee this season, but I have to admit I loved this weeks ep! I'd say the fact that Idina was all over it AND sang might play part in that. I enjoyed the songs too. But made me miss Rock of Ages more. I liked the stuff with Santana, and even the Rachel stuff. I just wish every ep could be good, instead of so hit and miss.

Parenthood was awesome! I loved the stuff with Sydney. So funny! The stuff with Max and those boys was sad, but funny when Kristina told them off.
And yay for more Drew stuff! I saw the Adam and that girl thing coming mile away, and didn't like it.

Raising Hope was great too. I like when Sabrina gets more to do. She cracks me up. I still don't think it's as good as last season, but this ep was much closer to it.

Even The New Girl was kinda good this week. It's still not great, but it had a few good moments this week....even if Justin Long's character was a little weird, but it was still funny.

Haven't watched anything tonight, since I had other plans, but I'll try and catch up tomorrow as much as I can. Gotta get through all the Thursday stuff too. Can't wait for 2 hour PPP...even if it is all we get till  next year. :(


Monday 14 November 2011

A Little Magic

Monday nights are filled with magic and nostalgia. I'm in love with Once Upon a Time and Pan Am.  Once Upon a Time wins me over with all the fairy stories. I love seeing how they interpret them and work them into this one fairytale world. The mixing of Cinderella and Rumpelstiltskin was interesting...not sure how I feel about that, but it worked. Looking forward to seeing what else they come up with. -I'm such a Disney freak, that it just makes me feel happy. -I also love that some of my fave Buffy writers/directors are on board.

Pan Am makes me wish that flying was still such a luxury and a rarity. But today's flights are a LONG way from the glamour of Pan Am. But that said...after this week's ep, I'm glad for modern advances in terms of medical stuff...eek. I loved the Haiti stuff, it was all very topical, and dramatic. The stuff with Kate and that man Henry was sooo sad.  And the stuff with Collette and Dean. I really REALLY like them as a couple.
-Also gotta mention that I love that so many of my ER writers/directors are involved.

I love starting my week with a little magic. Can't wait for more episodes!


Sunday 13 November 2011

On a High Note

So overall I enjoyed this weeks tv muchly....except for Glee. -Okay it wasn't terrible, there were some good bits. I did like that Emma and Beast had some storylines. I liked that Mr Schue was barely in it. I also liked the intergration of the West Side Story music into the rest of the plot - it was pretty much a West Side Story ep, but much less IN YOUR FACE.  I missed Idina. -But it worries me just how few characters I even like anymore. I don't really like any of the kids...cept for Kurt. Rachel, while annoying, is actually consistent...and less in your face this season.

Parenthood was sooo good this week...the stuff with Seth and Amber made me cry! Poor Amber. I knew Seth was going to be trouble...oh Sarah...
As far as the other storylines...I'm pretty bored with the Crosby and Jasmine stuff...Dr Joe annoys me.  The Kristina stuff was ok, the new secretary was an old story though. BORING.
I liked Zeke having 'The Fever'...but he should just let Adam have it...he does it MUCH better.

I'm officially all caught up with Ringer. I've actually come to really enjoy it. It just gets twistier and twistier. I am liking that Juliet girl...she's interesting.

ALL the Thursday tv was good. Parks and Rec was hilarious, yet all the Leslie and Ben stuff still made me sad. -I did love the ref to Mighty Ducks 2 by Andy.  Oh and I LOVED that Ann got to do more this week!
Community's weird musical thing was weird, but good. And I couldn't help "awwing" for the little puppet show Abed and Troy put on for Annie.
Bones was good. Lots of good Booth and Brennan stuff. New Squintern is interesting...the stuff with Hodgins was both funny, and weird...and kinda mean. -The snake was kinda cool too...

Grey's was awesome! Sadly that's the last ep for this year :( But what an ep. Poor Henry....he was a gonna from the start. And poor Teddy, they shouldn't have lied to her, but it was necessary for the sake of her patient. I didn't quite get the whole Ambulance breaking down thing...and it didn't explode like they said it would....but for a few seconds there it was scary!  Poor Mer and Der...they need baby Zola back.

Private Practice was good this week. Finally a good Charlotte ep -I realise that whethe or not there is good Charlotte stuff is not the same as A good ep, but there WAS good Charlotte stuff in addition to other good stuff. I liked that Charlotte got to do fun stuff -like making fun of the cupcakes and playing wii tennis with Mason, in addition to the trying to stop Amelia from taking prescription pads. -Which speaking of...I gotta mention that when Amelia started pushing Charlotte....I found myself wondering who would win in a fight between those two...I can't decide.
They were right, this ep WAS funny. I loved Sheldon and the cupcakes. I loved the codeword 'tacos' when discussing Amelia in front of Mason. I loved the end with Char and Coop playing with Mason - always said Charlotte would be better with an older kid...-Violet's the only one who hasn't met him...which seems odd...
And its official, Char and Coop need a house. Or at least a bigger apartment. Mason can't sleep on the couch all the time when he visits.
Poor Amelia...oh and yay for Addison finally stepping in! -The stuff with Amelia's story is soooo sad, and when she moved from pills onto the hard stuff....ugh, it hurt. -Can't wait for next week's 2 hour double ep! -PPP has never done a 2 hour ep before. -Caterina Scorsone is rocking it this season!
-oh and points for referencing Violet and Cooper's fave show American Bakeoff!


Sunday 6 November 2011

The TV Has Returned!

So all the FOX shows were back this week, as was Parenthood.

Tuesday night saw a good ep of Parenthood, but I am SO over Jasmine. She needs to go or get back with Crosby.
Poor crazy Kristina, it's not too much to ask for a little bit of family time is it?
Still loving the adorableness that is Mark and Sarah. Pity it's not going to last.

Enjoyed Raising Hope, but I still don't know if it's up to the quality of last yeah. A least Shelly was back in it this week. There is not enough Sabrina either.
Still on the fence with The New Girl. I liked this ep better, but it's still not great.
Glee was also not great this week. The songs were meh and the stories were annoying. Yay for Idina, but that thing with Shelby and Puck was semi icky.

Liked Revenge this week, having the real Emily Thorne turn up was interesting. Looking forward to where that goes. Also, Declan is annoying and stupid.

Modern Family, Up All Night and Suburgatory were ok, but not great. - Community also sucked.

Parks and Rec was good, yay for Ann (all 5 seconds of her) - and Ann and Leslie at that! But the stuff with Leslie and Ben just makes me sad. Which is odd for a comedy. But they are just too cute together.

Bones is back baby! Plenty of cute stuff, especially the scene with Angela, Hodgins, Cam and the baby. Adorable! Booth and Bones as a couple is weird, but good. I'll adjust.

Grey's was good this week, I really enjoyed the Heart in a Box/Magic 8 Ball thing, it made for good Christina stuff. The whole Mrs O'Malley turning up was kinda strange, but good. I liked the reminiscing about George -which doesn't happen a lot when characters die/leave. -Points for mentioning Izzie once. Mark and Jackson's Bromance is too funny. I am really enjoying the Mark stuff lately, he's more interesting when he has no life.

PPP was good, but weird. It worries me when Addison is leading the comedy and light hearted storylines. Amelia had entertaining stuff...including waking up the stranger in her bed. But the rest of it was a downer. Charlotte's flashbacks to the origin of her pill problem was kinda strange, and not just because of the REALLY bad dark wig they had on her. Anyone remember when Charlotte was fun? I miss building a bathroom Charlotte, and dress up in crazy outfits Charlotte. -And can Addison even acknowledge Amelia already?!  Speaking of....the whole Sam helping pick out the sperm donor is just wrong on SO many levels. Sorry Sam, you gotta go!

And that concludes last week's tv. Tomorrow will bring a whole new lot of awesomeness and probably some crappiness too.
