Friday 25 February 2011

Expectations and Guestimations

Who would win in a fight between Charlotte and Amelia? Looking forward to that scene in this weeks ep! Not that its Amelia fault that Cooper kissed her in a moment of weakness and serious helplessness...but I'd still wager Charlotte's gonna have something to say about it.
-I bet Amelia could hold her own in a fist fight...but Charlotte has a whole lot of rage....
-Also...sharing secrets? What secrets does Charlotte have left?!

In terms of the rest of the season for PPP, I hope we see some planning of this wedding, and that its not like the other 2 this season that were thrown together pretty quick. Charlotte and Coop both have families that I'm really looking forward to seeing get together...well mostly I just really want to meet Cooper's parents, cause they've been talking about them for YEARS! But I hope they do this right!
It'll also be interesting to see how they're sending Naomi off...she's gonna potentially make some return visits, so we know she's probably not dying.....
-Also Amelia needs to get some sort of life...she's kinda pathetic, and does she even have her own place yet?!

Grey's...well you never know where Grey's is gonna go, but I bet they can't top last season's finale. I'd like to see Meredith and Derek move on with their stuff. -maybe make their marriage official already...a quick visit to city their house must be built by now! They need to make a move. Maybe their baby plans will work out. I'm all for a McBaby.
I'm also really excited to see how the musical ep turns out. Its gonna be very different, that's for sure! I wonder who we WON'T hear sing......but I'm looking forward to how it fits in.

Glee...looking foward to regionals....but WHY do that have to do original songs?! -There must be some kind of rule that they can't do original songs! Oh well...maybe they'll be really great, maybe it'll be the best Glee performance ever, ....maybe it'll suck...but I guess I'll have to wait and see.
I just hope Kurt comes back to the group eventually. And that they sort out the whole him and Blaine thing...its getting annoying.
Looking forward to Kristin coming back....whenever it is that she's coming back...haven't heard anything for a while.

Well I think that's all that I need to comment on, regarding arcs and future storylines. The other shows I watch do not have as pressing storylines/details. Plus I'd never try to figure out where Modern Family is going!


Thursday 24 February 2011

Wednesday Night TV...On Thursday

So for some reason the shows I wanted were taking a really long time to download yesterday, so I had to wait till today (Thursday) to watch Parenthood and The Good Wife.

Parenthood was a good ep. Watching them deal with the aftermath of Crosby sleeping with Gaby. -Especially after she felt she had to quit being Max's aid. Which was really really sad. Kristina and Adam have a right to be angry...but its really a huge mess.
On the plus side -Yay Jabbar was back!...for 2 seconds.
I loved the Sydney storyline...loved the staring down between her and Zeek. Kids wanting to be vegetarians is always quality.
I also LOVED the Sarah was nice to see Amber express her feelings to Seth. And it was good to see Sarah make him responisble for saying goodbye himself. Gotta love more Amber singing too!

The Good Wife was not as fun as last weeks ep, but still pretty good. Although it needed more Will.
The Mr Gould stuff was kinda cute and fun. America Ferrer was good in the ep.
Wish I cared more about the Diane and balistics guy, but he's annoying...

So I'm now all caught up on Wednesday's tv, but other things will have to wait till tomorrow or later.


Wednesday 23 February 2011

I'm Impressed!

My expectations for Glee have been really low lately, but I gotta admit this weeks ep was pretty good.

The kids getting drunk was hilarious, and the songs were kinda good too. I really liked Rachel and Blaine singing together at her party.
The song Rachel wrote was AWFUL! But the other songs were cool. Brittany rocked it, but the vomit was gross! ick!
-loved Britana and Artcedes...

I dunno what they were doing with Rachel and Blaine, that was weird. - It was nice to have Mike O'Malley back....where did that house come from?! Sets are changing all over the place!
I didn't care much for the Will storyline...but at least Emma showed up! I guess they are leading towards upcoming stories and guest stars.

Overall good ep, minimal Sam which I like a lot! Hopefully they can keep it up!

I must say I'm not a fan of them writing NEW songs for Glee...I think its too soon. I think it will also change the tone of the show. But who knows....maybe they'll surprise me!


Grey's Anatomy Season 6 Dvds

So today I finished off the season 6 dvds of Grey's. I forgot how much I loved season 6!

Don't think I mentioned it before, but Sloan's baby was really cute! -Kinda looked like a little Lucas from PPP...or maybe I'm just missing Lucas.
I also must mention, that I actually found myself really liking Christina in season 6. So weird. Also it was good to rewatch Teddy's early eps, cause I didn't like her in the beginning.
-My fave thing might be Arizona and The Chief singing 'Baby, Its Cold Outside' with Owen playing guitar at Christmas. So cool! Looking foward to the musical ep this season!

Watching the finale was really affected me almost the same as it did watching it originally. I did love the extended finale, but its weird that there is 2 versions on the dvd, the regular 42minute, and the extended hour ep. I figured they would just include the extended one...It was also the only extended ep for the whole of season 6.
-I did like the additional scenes they added though.
-The same scenes that made bawl my eyes out still got me this time...the one with Bailey, Charles and Mary...when they couldn't use the elevator, and they knew Charles was gonna die. Sooooo sad. -Also the ones with Christina and Meredith...and the whole surgery chaos.

In terms of special features, no commentaries for season 6 - which sucked, but I've made peace with there not being commentaries anymore.
The little featurette on Chandra Wilson was cool.
-I wish there was more interviews with the cast talking about season 6. They were featured on the Chandra one, but they could've done a season one.
-The inclusion of the Webisodes was cool. I mean I'd never seen them, and they're kinda lamely all about the interns/mercy west-ers...but it was cool to have them. -I never thought I'd be so happy to see Owen! I was missing the cast.

Overall not a bad dvd set, but definitely not the best.


Tuesday 22 February 2011


Okay so Off The Map is growing on me. Ep 6 was pretty cool....I mean...helicopter crashes always make for good stories!

Also, I can't believe that that girl Ryan, who started out to be the most annoying, turns out to be a great character, and may actually end up dying! Figures!
Meanwhile, Caroline Dhavernas' character Lily is getting more annoying...well mostly I don't like the storyline with the guy. -I just don't care about some dude who is hiding from the cops.
None of the other characters are that interesting still...but they are slowly exploring the issues of all the characters which is good.
There is definite potential for it to be a good show. Maybe not great, but good.

I think that last weeks ep also makes Jayne Brook the first person to be on all 4 of those ABC shows. She's been in PPP, Grey's, and Brothers & Sisters. Plenty of people have been on the other 3, but I believe she's the first to be in Off The Map as well.

Oddly enough, this weeks ep of Mr Sunshine was lacking...or maybe it was just me being thrown off by Lindsay Sloane...she's annoying. But overall this ep was boring.
However....that annoying/crazy assistant girl Heather actually is starting to become likable...or maybe it was just the fact that she stood up for Ben. -it was sweet, and shows that she actually likes him.
Alonzo and Alice are annoying...and other than Matthew and Allison I don't really like the characters, but of course I'll keep watching.


Sunday 20 February 2011

Weekend TV - The Good and The Bad

The weekend is where I catch up on all those shows that air on a Thursday night in the US.

Starting with Grey's Anatomy and Private Practice, which I watched last night....

Grey's was a whole ep set within an actual was interesting. Having it set so the whole ep was following Meredith around (except for a few parts with Teddy and her guys...) was different. But the stories sorta made me want to pull my hair out for realisticness....but anyways, I don't really expect that from Grey's.
Don't care about Bailey and her nurse-man. Interesting things growing between Lexie and Avery, and Alex and blondie....not really caring about those either. I'm glad that they are still talking about Mer and Der having their baby, but did it really have to be so hard for them? - Also Meredith's telling Christina not to accept the Godmother role for Callie's baby...when did Christina and kids become something you'd use in the same sentence?! I did like perky Meredith...she's just silly. The future ficticious baby makes for really cute scenes...I can't believe after all these years that no one locks the on call room door, or knocks before entering it! crazy people!

I was kinda expecting more people to die and for her be kinda responsible for it....but it worked out awfully well. Only 1 guy died. Yay. But her talking to that guy's kid on the phone was sad.
Also definite potential for the Adele will be interesting to see where that goes.

Private Practice has stolen the dark and twisty title from Grey's. Poor Addison...herefor know as Addizombie (thanks to Ness for coming up with that!). It made sense for Addison to be keeping her mother's cause of death a secret...from other people...I understand that. It was really creepy how stepford she became. The Addizombie was dark and twisty, and really weird - but in a good way I guess. The whole situation was really strange, a PPP fieldtrip....I understand Naomi, Sam and Amelia coming and being part of everything - they knew Bizzy...I can understand that Charlotte, Cooper and Pete (who I don't think was that keen anyways...) wanted to be there for the Addizombie. But it was weird, and not just because these people don't belong in wintry climates in winter! It was kinda funny to see them stuck in the Montgomery mansion, under Archer's orders...If I was them I'd be running for the emotional warmth of a hotel too!
Poor Pete was pretty pointless in the whole thing...probably didn't NEED to be there, and said hardly anything all ep...although it was totally worth it just to hear him call Amelia "ridiculous".
Having Violet back was really not as fun as it should have been...she was suddenly back with not a single ref to when she got back, and more than a few days could have passed since the last ep. But most annoyingly, was that it was all Violet and Sheldon alone in LA, with a just about equally depressing story.
I'm hoping that things start to get lighter in rest of the season. I want some fun back for my OWGers.
---Charlotte King Engagement Ring Watch has had a development- she had her ring back in this ep....which was filmed this I'm guessing....they just forgot about it in those last few eps they filmed last year? Odd....

Today I watched Community, Parks and Recreation, and also last weeks ep of Harry's Law.
Community was kinda lame...the whole mock mockumentary was a weird look for the show. The story of Pearce being in hospital and messing with everyone by bequeathing things to them was strange and annoying. I tend to almost always hate Pearce stories. My fave part was Britta and Jeff acting out how reuniting with Jeff's father would go.

P-Rex was annoying this week. The problem with that show is sometimes its a great ep, and then I find anything after that really lacking. This week involved April making Andy do her 'chores' which was sweet and entertaining. The whole Anne and Chris thing is annoying. Also Leslie and Ben were not interesting me at all this week. I makes the whole show a lot less fun, when even Amy Poehler's character is not getting my interest. Hopefully since the last few eps have not been of great substance...that hopefully one is bound to pop up soon.

Harry's Law is slowly pulling me in. It's not the best show on tv, but David E Kelley has managed to create a show that matches up to his old standards. I don't really LOVE any of the characters, but they're all growing on me. I'm all caught up now which is nice. I'll stick with it...its not like I'm wishing I was doing other stuff while I'm watching it, so that's a good sign.

In other news...quite a few of my people/shows are nominated for a Prism award, which is an award for media which deals with substance abuse and mental health issues. Tough competition....but really the whole of Parenthood against a few eps of other things....not fair.

Drama Series Multi-Episode Storyline – Mental Health:

* Grey’s Anatomy – “With You I’m Born Again”/”Shock to the System”/”Superfreak”
* Parenthood: Seasons 1 and 2
* Private Practice – “Did You Hear What Happened to Charlotte King?”/”What Happens Next”/”Can’t Find My Way Back Home”
* Sons of Anarchy – “Oiled”/”Caregiver”/”Home”

Female Performance in a Drama Series Multi-Episode Storyline:

* Edie Falco, Nurse Jackie
* Sandra Oh, Grey’s Anatomy
* Monica Potter, Parenthood
* Katey Sagal, Sons of Anarchy
* KaDee Strickland, Private Practice


The Good Wife

So I've been a few eps behind with The Good Wife, mostly because its not my fave show, and since no one else watches except my mother, there is no pressure to keep up to date.
But that said, I do actually really enjoy the show when I watch it. -Ep 14 was GOOD! The last few have been pretty good too, but ep 14 was fun.

I really don't care about Peter and the whole political side of things...I prefer the Lockhart/Gardner stuff. All the mystery surrounding those people is kinda interesting and intriguing.
This weeks ep was fun, with Alicia out of town with her brother - road trips are ALWAYS fun. Which also evolved the Alicia/Will story a little more. Her on the car was a hilarious sight.
I really loved that Will and Diane got some quality time together -they are great fun to watch. Plus Rita Wilson was a good addition to the ep.

Still not sure about what's going on with Kalinda and Blake...but its getting kinda interesting which is always good.
Looking forward to the rest of the season...who knows where it will go! - Hopefully they won't spend TOO much time on the politics...but I'm sure they will.

Friday 18 February 2011

Still Good Times to be Had!

The last week of tv has been excellent. The problem is that I'm a little behind with some shows. My folder of episodes to watch has been growing at a rate faster than the time I have to watch them.

Gotta comment on Grey's Anatomy and the PPP. Last weeks Grey's was actually really fun, cute stuff with Callie, Arizona and Mark - made up for the annoyingness of them all the week before. It was also finally a good Meredith ep. I've felt that recently the episodes haven't done anything with Mer. Looking forward to this weeks Meredith ep too!
-loved the Sophie's Choice even more that I have actually seen that movie now.
-I have issue with the hair on the show...the blondes are a lot less blonde...and Arizona and Teddy seem to have the same hair these days.

The PPP was fantastic last week. It was great to see the characters deal with Charlotte's rapist being brought into the hospital. I was glad that Sam saved his life...cause that IS his job...but I was also glad that he wasn't being set free again. I was nice to see some closer for Charlotte and Cooper, and hopefully now they will be able to move on. I had a feeling that Addison's mother would do something drastic, seeing as I knew the gang was heading to Connecticut this week...Poor Addison.
-Also KaDee Strickland co-hosted The View today, and said that Cooper and Charlotte's wedding WILL be happening this season which is great! She did a great job co-hosting, held her own against that gaggle.

Modern Family's season 2 Valentine's day ep was just as great as the first season 1. I love Claire and Phil and Juliana and Clive. They're hilarious. Gloria and Jay had a great storyline as well. Cam and Mitchell's story was really annoying though. But overall a great ep.

Last week's ep of P-Rex was pretty funny. Megan Mulllally was back, which is always fun. The intervention for Ron was hilarious. I also liked April being Chris' assistant and her messing with Anne again.
I found 30 Rock kinda lame last week...but maybe it was just a bad week.
Community was a little weird. Britta's lesbian mix up was weird, jut are most things on that show. Abed and Troy's storyline was annoying.

I finally finished season 2 of United States of Tara. I love how they get you hooked into finding out what happened to Tara. I'm glad that Charmaine didn't marry Nick...but he was an ass about it!

Mr Sunshine was still great this week...I'll definitely keep watching, but some of the minor characters are pretty annoying. I did love the Brothers and Sisters reference! That was great!

This week's Parenthood was a litte less depressing that last week's. Finally a little Joel and Julia storyline. -Kristina walking in on them in the bathroom of her own house was hilarious! Some proper Drew character growth, plus a little Sarah/Seth development.....
I did not like Crosby and Max's aid hooking up...I mean I don't really like Jasmine...but that was just not cool!
The Bug Man was awesomely played by Michael Emerson, his car was pretty cool, and the bug toy..which Kristina was carrying around like a baby.

This week's ep of Glee was really annoying. Its definitely losing me. I mean 'Take Me For What I Am' was a great song, but it was an odd choice for Rachel and Mercedes to be singing to each other...I mean it is sung by a lesbian couple in RENT...but it sounded good anyways.
The Bieber stuff drove me crazy...these kids are old enough to know better...with Brittany as an exception. If they keep doing stuff like that I really will be tuning out eventually.
I didn't love the group song either...I didn't know it, and it didn't capture any great musical interest from me. I hate that these songs they are picking are SO new. But they also don't have the best value....I just hope that they go into regionals with a proper number....they tanked last year...definitely didn't give it their all.

Brothers and Sisters is annoying the heck out of me...I mean I love them all, but seriously? Another paternity storyline?! I think I saw that Shark jumped a few miles back! The storylines are really not going anywhere in the direction of good. Sarah better be William's daughter!
Its nice to have Tommy back, but his girlfriend is annoying. Well mostly its her accent, and her hair...Cara Buono looks much better as a blonde...and I don't think her wig is the best.
Still no idea what's going on there...maybe Calista just needed some time off, like Amy B in PPP...hopefully she will be back soon, and it will be explained in a good way.

I'm still a few eps behind with Harry's Law, Off The Map, and The Good Wife. But I'm getting there.
All new eps of the Thursday night shows to watch as well. Its crazy!


Monday 14 February 2011

Fave TV Couples Part 2 - More Than Friends

And then there are the non-traditional couples...pairs that share a very special bond all of their own.

Violet and Cooper - Private Practice
BFF's through and through. Violet and Cooper are the cutest besties...they call each other a LOT, are always hanging out, going places like Costa Rica, but when it comes down to it they are close as friends can get.
Their relationship has taken a beating, with their significant others demanding (totally deserved) more time spent with them. -But I bet Charlotte would never comb lice out of Cooper's hair...

Will & Grace - Will & Grace
Gay guy, straight girl....makes for a wonderful friendship. Will & Grace know each other so well, they kick butt at game night, and can't date people the other person doesn't approve of. Over the years they dealt with a few wedges that came between them, and in the end they spent a few years apart, but it all worked out eventually.
Gotta give a special shout out to Jack and Karen who rocked my world and had a very weird relationship...but where would they be without Will & Grace?!

Meredith and Christina - Grey's Anatomy
Sometimes they remind me of my friendships with certain people...but I think we have better boundaries!
Poor Derek and Owen are stuck with it forever. I may not love the couples on Grey's, but there is something wonderful about Meredith and Christina's ET/Elliot relationship. They talk everything through, sleep in each other's beds, and sometimes put the needs of each other before their own partners, but they're Meredith and Christina, you can't break that bond! They are each other's "Person".

Jack and Jen - Dawson's Creek
Jack and Jen are a lot like Will & Grace, but younger...and I always loved the bond between Jack and Jen...Okay so they're not my fave couple in the world, but they had some good times. They helped each other out of their loner shells. Who knows if it wasn't for each other, they never would have had a relationship or gone anywhere.
When Jen died Jack raised her daughter - who better.

Fave TV Couples - A Valentine's Day Post

So almost every TV series has a 'couple'. TV history is full of fan fave couples. In honor of Valentine's Day, I thought I'd share some of the tv couples that share a special place in my heart.

Cooper and Charlotte - Private Practice
Coop and Char win the award for my fave couple currently. But I still remember those days in season 1 when I thought that Cooper and Violet were going to be a great couple (and Addison and Pete) things changed quickly. Cooper and Charlotte started out having a little fun, but quickly became one of the sweetest couples on tv. They've had their ups and downs, a few breakups...the ep in season 3 where they were just yelling at each other in the conference room broke my heart. But the season 2 ep where he goes all the way to Alabama to be there for her when her dad was dying, goes to the essence of Charlotte and Cooper. They have a rhythm, and a way of complimenting each other, she's become a lot more of a people person since they started going out.
I was so excited when they got engaged at the end of season 3, but this season we have really seen them work through one of the biggest hurdles ever thrown at a couple, and so far they seem to be surviving. Its made for some really touching moments between them. I'm glad that their fun sides are starting to come back though - the ep with the chicken this season was too cute!
Hopefully their wedding will happen at the end of this season...they deserve some peace and happiness.

Scotty and Kevin - Brothers & Sisters
When it comes to Brothers & Sisters, my fandom doesn't really get too worked up like with other shows...but I have a soft spot for Kevin and Scotty. Scotty was adorable from the start, and has grown into a very well rounded, well used character. I love that he's been adopted into the family, almost like Rebecca. They've always been such a cute couple, that when they hit a really rough patch this season, with Scotty having an affair, I was shocked and a little heartbroken for them. I've always supported their desire to have kids, but we'll see how this current storyline plays out with them adopting/fostering this girl.

I also really liked Justin and Rebecca, not quite to the same extent.


Josh and Donna - The West Wing

Although they were not officially a couple for seasons and seasons...I was hooked on Josh and Donna's potential very early on....I mean that Christmas gift in season 1...and the snowballs, and all the other little things they teased at throughout seasons 1-6, before they FINALLY got together in season 7...and it was GREAT! Only good part about them not getting together till near the end, was that they never broke up.
"I’m just sayin’ if you were in an accident, I wouldn’t stop for a beer."
"If you were in an accident, I wouldn’t stop for red lights." - I mean....COME ON!!!

-I also loved the relationship of CJ and Danny...but they had nothing on Josh and Donna. NOTHING!...that Santa suit was cute though...and the ongoing goldfish themed gifts.


Matt and Harriet - Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip
Studio 60 may have been short lived, but I was just so grateful that they had time to get Matt and Harriet back together. They were absolutely meant for each other, and yet were too crazy to realise it. They were never together within the show until the end, so we only saw their relationship through flashbacks, but they had a strong connection, right down to Matt's writing better with her around.

Danny and Jordan, Lucy and Tom were also fave Studio 60 couples, but they were not quite as special and Matt and Harriet...close, but not quite.

Chandler and Monica - Friends
I know everybody loves Ross and Rachel....but I never cared much for them. Monica and Chandler were sweet, real, and went together so easily that it never seemed weird for them to be a couple. It was great to watch their relationship grow from a one off hook up, through getting engaged, married and having kids. Plus watching them hide their relationship from the rest of the gang made for some QUALITY tv. They also NEVER really broke up...they were separated by distance a little while, but they pretty much got together and stayed many other tv couples are allowed to do that?! - Not a single other in this list, with the exception of Josh and Donna - Monica and Chandler had 6 years of not being broken up!

Joey and Pacey - Dawson's Creek
Everyone had an opinion on who Joey should be with, Dawson or Pacey. Man was I glad when Pacey won out in the end! Dawson was WAY too whiny. Pacey and Joey clicked and had serious chemistry. I mean who doesn't want a guy to buy them a wall....okay well that's all Joey, but it was really sweet. And the boat!!!!

Sydney and Vaughn - Alias
Syd and Vaughn never faced good odds as a couple...they couldn't even speak in public. But my god was I happy when they finally took down SD6 and had that big smooch amongst all the rubble and mess. Things actually got worse after that, what with Syd disappearing, Vaughn getting married to a double agent...but it all worked out in the end and had cute little Isabelle, and then got out of the spy business to live in a tropical paradise.

Luke and Lorelai - Gilmore Girls
Oh boy...another couple that spent years teasing at a relationship, and nothing. It was clear from the first season that Luke loved Lorelai...and she was pretty keen on him as well. Finally at the end of season 4 they got it together! Season 5 had me almost in tears when they broke up after Emily's meddling...ecstatic when they got back together and got engaged...season 6 saw Luke being an idiot keeping his new daughter separate from his life with Lorelai even after the initial shock period...It only got worse with Lorelai actually MARRYING Christopher, but she quickly realised that wasn't gonna work. The series almost ended without them getting back together, but they ended the series finale together, and we're assuming that they stay together this time.
The great thing about Luke and Lorelai was that he cared for her and for Rory when he had no reason to. He was always there for her...sometimes it was building or fixing things, but mostly it was emotional support...or just a cup of coffee..

Sawyer and Juliet - LOST
Back in the day it was all Sawyer and Kate...things changed quickly when Kate went back to civilisation, and Sawyer and Juliet were stuck in the 70's Dhama initiative. I went from hating Juliet, to loving her, and the two of them could not have been cuter! Juliet's death was one of the saddest in my tv history, but when they brought characters back in the weird alternate world in the finale, it was SOOOO good to see Sawyer and Juliet find each other again.

Carol and Doug - ER
So I was never a 'shipper' for Doug and Carol, but when I was growing up watching ER, I loved the two of them as a couple, and even more when I re-watched it all on dvd. Things were rocky early on, she wouldn't date him in season 1, then he was dating someone else in season 2 and 3....but finally they got together, stayed together, and then he left for Seattle...I was so glad George Clooney came back for Juliana Margulies' final ep...Carol turning up in Seattle was great. When they both came back for an ep in season 15 I was giddy, it was great to know that Carol and Doug were still together 10 years later.

Abby and Carter - ER
Yes ER gets 2 posts, it had 15 seasons and dozens of characters! This is one of 2 couples in this post that didn't actually work out...but I can't help it, I loved Carter and Abby together. Abby had a lot of issues back in the day (okay she always had issues), and Carter was good at helping her through them...till he left to go to Africa...and it was all miserable after that. But I always thought Carter and Abby had better chemistry that Abby and Luca. They were fun, a good mix of sweet and silly. Fave moments include - slashing the tires of her ex-husband's car, him dragging her off to an AA meeting after Mark died, and then there was the time they were in lockdown in the ER for a few weeks. Unfortunately they were doomed. But I really enjoyed them while they lasted.

Jordan and Woody - Crossing Jordan
One of my first serious 'shipper' couple obsessions. Jordan and Woody had potential from the start, had some sweet moments in season 2, season 4 almost saw them get together...then Woody gave her a diamond ring as a birthday present...not a great move. Season 5 saw them finally get together...didn't last long though. They sort of got together in the finale....but it wasn't nearly the high quality ending that the show and the characters deserved. What I always liked about Jordan and Woody, was his ability to call her on her issues, and his dedication to her...he wasn't always just the country bumpkin following her around. He cared, he was invested. Her issues were her problem, always getting in the way, or making her run. Jordan was complicated, but the her relationship with Woody softened her a lot.

Brenda and Dylan - Beverly Hills 90210
I guess a fave couples list would not be complete without mentioning a classic tv couple...unlike Pacey/Joey/Dawson, Brenda/Dylan/Kelly was a triangle that didn't go my way. I always thought Brenda and Dylan understood each other better than anyone else could. Things went really bad when Brenda went to Paris....she should have stayed home...bad Kelly!

Meredith and Derek - Grey's Anatomy
I can't finish this without mentioning Grey's Antomy. But I've never loved any of the Grey's couples. Back in the day Alex and Izzie were my fave couple, but they got annoying and then there was no more Izzie. I used to like Arizona and Callie, but they have broken up and gotten back together so many times I just don't care anymore. I hate all of Christina's relationships.
I would have to say that my fave Grey's couple is Meredith and Derek...its real, has grown over the years into a marriage (albeit by post-it), but they are actually kinda cute...maybe not as important to me as the other couples in this list, but I believe in them, and would hate for them to break up.


Wednesday 9 February 2011

Here We Go

So the Glee Super Bowl episode was actually pretty disappointing. It was almost 50 minutes in length, had a few extra songs....but overall wasn't that interesting at all.

I liked that Quinn was all over the ep. Its been a while since they've even used Quinn for much at all.
I liked the Cheerios standing up to Sue and quitting...because she was willing to let Brittany explode out of a cannon.....

I didn't care much for Thriller, although the makeup was cool.
I just didn't care much about the football team, the whole making them join Glee was stupid, but not nearly as stupid as the Glee girls joining the football team to give them enough players....It made not even the slightest bit of sense....I mean Rachel would snapped like a twig!
I don't even know why they bothered having the Warblers in it....Kurt at the game made sense, but the song at the school was unnecessary and didn't fit.

Where the heck was Emma?! Does she even exist anymore?!

I honestly can't even remember 1 song I really liked out of all of them. I didn't hate Rachel and Puck's song, mostly cause I didn't know it.
I don't even know if I care about Sue anymore...she's gotten annoying.
I feel sad that I don't love Glee had so much quality and potential in those first 13 eps...before it sold out to popularity and guest stars. -What the heck was Katie Couric doing there?! That was just tacked on and stupid.

On the other side, Mr Sunshine was fresh and entertaining. Although, I must say it was kinda doing my head in. Between all the Studio 60 people, and other people from things....It was a lot to get used too. But it was funny, and not at all terrible. Allison Janney rocks my world. She's crazy and never disappoints! Matthew Perry I'm gonna have to adjust to again, sometimes he just reminds me of Chandler from Friends...or Matt Albie from Studio 60....and I'm gonna have to get over the fact that Andrea Anders is NOT Harriet Hayes (Sarah Paulson). But wouldn't it be great if Sarah could make a cameo appearance someday!
I don't think I could hate the show if I tried.

So moving onto the 2nd episode of Glee for this week. Things were back to normal. The regular ep was much much better in my opinion....if not just for the scene in which Santana had her ass handed to her by Lauren! Definitely a season highlight!
I really enjoyed seeing Santana, Brittany and Quinn in regular clothes...its very rare that we have ever seen Santana and Brittany out of the Cheerios uniform. I like it!

I didn't care much for all the mushy couples stuff, but I guess that's what you get in a Valentine's Day ep. Tina's breaking down in tears during her song to Mike was weird and disturbing. Out of all the songs I only really liked Puck's song, and the Warblers one at the end. Fireworks was okay, but nothing special.

I actually really like the idea of Finn and Quinn getting back together. Mostly cause I just can't stand Sam...he's just annoying. I think that's one of the things I enjoyed most about the regular ep...character development. Even if it was only love interest was something. But I hope they move on next ep to more productive Regionals type progress.

I enjoyed minimal Mr Schue too. Kinda didn't even notice that Sue wasn't there...which was odd..
But seriously...Emma...WHERE ARE YOU?! - She better come back next ep or I'll be PISSED!

Parenthood was pretty heavy this week. Serious drama going on with Sarah's family and Crosby's family. I feel for Crosby, Jasmine really does take control of everything...she needs to learn to let him he's gotta have a say in his own wedding....if not for the date alone!
I'm on John Corbett overload this week, what with watching season 2 of United States of Tara as well. But it was nice to have a little development in that storyline. It was great to have Drew do something!
Yay Haddie went home...big whoop. She annoys the heck outta me!
Still no Jabbar or Sydney...and Joel and Julia only had 1 tiny tiny scene. Boo. I hope they start doing more with Jules and Joel again soon! -What happened to that 2nd baby idea?

Its been an interesting few days of television...more shows to come in the next few days...yay! I love having my shows back!

Monday 7 February 2011

Finally All Is Right In The World!

All my shows are finally back as of this week. Plus I'm super excited for Matthew Perry and Allison Janney's new show Mr Sunshine which starts up this week.

Friday night Ness and I watched Private Practice which was finally back after its 3 week break. The ep was good, but depressing, and also lacking something. It wasn't just that Violet wasn't there. I think they were just lacking a little comedic relief...Amelia tried to provide some, but it wasn't enough/of the usual standard.
-I'm also thinking it has something to do with the ep being directed by a non-regular...having only directed 1 other ep back in season 3. Or maybe its cause Charlotte and Cooper were living in the kitchen for most of the ep...or the one patient they had was boring....who knows.
But overall it was still good. Charlotte's slowly coming along in her healing process...although I'm a little scared about what the next ep is going to do to her. Yeeeshk.
I still don't care about AddiSam...and about Bizzy - which may be another reason the ep felt lacking...
Give Naomi more to do, she needs something going long as its something interesting...
-Also...still nothing on 'Charlotte King engagement ring watch' but I know she has it back in an upcoming ep thanks to twitter...but hopefully there will be an explanation for her naked finger.

We also watched Grey's, which was actually a good ep. -Maybe it had something to do with the mininal Owen! Hah! When did Christina gain a heart/bedside manner and become interesting?! Who knew?! Bailey's tweeting of surguries was entertaining.
But I'm still not caring about Arizona/Callie/Mark and the baby....its just not interesting anymore.
I just wish Meredith and Derek would do something. Anything! They seem to wander around and then work on a case for 5 minutes and thats about it. They used to at least be interesting and worth believing in, but now...all the relationships on that show infact...I just don't care.

I watched Parks and Recreation on Saturday. Rob Lowe's character was actually less annoying! Yay! Maybe cause the rest of the ep was kinda annoying...WAY too much Twilight talk for my liking. But yay for Will Forte...I'm missing him terribly on SNL!

Community just gets weirder and weirder...which is both cool and awesome, but also creapy. The latest ep's Dungeons and Dragons storyline was disturbing! I mean it was nice and all, but in a way like Jeff had fallen and hit his head...cause in what other world would he be THAT nice?!

I'm slowly getting through United States of Tara still...I've watched 5 so far. Sometimes I feel like watching a few, sometimes I can only handle 1 ep at a time. It all depends on my mood.

Glee is back tomorrow. I'm not really that excited. I feel sad that I don't care so much anymore, but its just not up to the same quality of the first 13 eps, before they started writing to be popular...instead of for the characters. I could care less about the guest stars...they have so many in the main cast that are not getting used enough as it is! But we'll see. There's another ep this week too, so its gonna be a whole lotta Glee.


Wednesday 2 February 2011

Don't Ever Leave Me Again!

So last week there was pretty much no new tv, other than the thursday night shows, and the mid season shows.
P-Rex was great. Hilarious even....but Rob Lowe's character is still annoying. 30 Rock wasn't bad either. -Loving that I am finally caught up on that now...although more pressure to keep up.
Community was good at first but got weird halfway through. Still not sure about Off The Map...its too 'over the top' in terms of cases, its always something super dramatic...and that music is starting to bug me too - its SO depressing. None of the characters are that thrilling either...its just lacking something.
Harry's Law oddly enough is actually still kinda good. Its a little quirky...I've missed that -David E Kelly is back on the job.

A few shows are back this week, the rest come back next week.
Parenthood was good in bits and pieces tonight....Adam getting stoned was AWESOME! I love it when those guys dance! -Fave line "My crotch is vibrating" when Adam's phone rang... Peter Krause rocks my socks. He's hilarious! He's so much more fun in comedys than the serious serious drama that was Six Feet Under (as awesome a show it was...).  
-Haddie is such a pain in the neck though, poor Jabbar, Sydney and Drew got no screen time!

The Good Wife was back this week too, but I'll get that later, I'm saving room for other things for now.

Super excited for the PPP to be back finally! - Its been extra annoying cause it was supposed to be on a few weeks ago, but bumped for a repeat of the pilot of Off The Map. So I've been looking forward to this ep for a LONG time.
It will be good to have Grey's back too....but I'm not nearly half as excited for that show as I used to be.

In DVD news...I finished season 2 of Private Practice on Friday morning, having only the finale left. I watched the special features friday night. I remembered so much of the 2nd half of the season, but its weird how little I remembered from the first half. At least the finale wasn't nearly as stressfull this time around. I remember tears flowing, and jumping around, not being able to sit still when Katie attacked Violet.
I must say I love the good Charlotte/Violet scenes in season 2. (and 3 too). They are always fun. I hope we get some more in the future. They really have no choice but to be friends...or its gonna be a world of trouble for Coop!

I've also watched the Brothers & Sisters commentaries from season 2, and will get to the season 3 ones soon.
I also am finally getting back to Damages season 1. Its less fun the 2nd time around, knowing what happens and all, but I want to rewatch it before season 2. -Plus its fun to pick out locations I know in New York.
When I'm done with that I'll start ER, or Grey's...depending on what I feel like. It might be a little too much John Stamos, between Full House, Glee and ER...hmm.
