Thursday 27 December 2012

Back in Action

Okay so I've been MIA for a long time, haven't posted anything since the Emmys back in October...since then the new season has been in full swing and is now on winter break till the new year.

Revolution has become one of my new fave shows. I'm oddly hooked to it. Maybe its cause I've watching LOST again(which I will talk about later). Or maybe because I'm just glad Elizabeth Mitchell being back on tv (without aliens). Anyways...I love it. Its not the best show in the world, but its very intruging and I find myself always wanting to watch it before Bones...sorry Bones, but you're not one of my faves.

Private Practice has gotten AWESOME. So since I last posted, the triplets have been born...well the 2nd two were about to be born in the mid season finale...I can't believe there is only three episodes left. EVER!!!! Its going to be really sad when its gone, because this season has been awesome. Season 5 was really the only time it wasn't great. I'm gonna miss those crazy bunch of people....I wish we could have a Charlotte, Cooper and Amelia spin off...
Grey's is still going for now, I hope that wraps up soon, even though its good, its not great and needs to end soon. ESPECIALLY since PPP is ending. The Arizona stuff has been great this season, and the new interns are actually not annoying! They are okay I mean, lets not get carried away, they are kinda boring and take time away from the good characters.

1 big change so far this season, is that I gave up on The New Girl. I just found that when I was watching it, I wasn't paying attention, so I stopped once I got back from overseas.
I keep saying I'm going to stop watching Revenge, but I keep watching it, might give up if I don't love it when it comes back on.

Once Upon a Time has been really good this season, as has Parenthood (except for that whole Ray Romano thing). The last ep before Christmas killed me. I was bawling like a baby. Mostly cause I wasn't sure if Kristina was going to die or not, and also because it brought back some personal bad memories from my childhood. Her video to the kids was a tearjerker!

Parks and Rec is awesome as usual. Ben and Leslie are getting married, and Ron Swanson is dating Xena....

Can't wait for Smash and Bunheads to come back. As well as the next season of The Newsroom if that ever comes back!

In the meantime, I've rewatched the entire Studio 60 again...and Parks and Rec season 3. Now I'm wrapping up season 5 of 30 Rock - which will also bow out soon. Then I'm moving onto Smash!
