Tuesday 19 February 2013

Changing Things Up

So in the past few months I have given up a few tv shows.

I watched a few eps of The New Girl before deciding I wasn't paying attention and so I stopped downloading it for a while and never missed it.
The same goes for Revenge. After the new year, I just never felt like watching the ep I had...and didn't really find myself liking it. Don't miss that one either.

I have been watching ER from the beginning this year. I'm currently up to season 3. So it'll take me a while to get up to season 15. But I loved that show. Its fun to go back to George Clooney when he was younger and a little less serious.
But I keep getting into trouble watching eps on the same night as The Good Wife...Julianna Margulies from 1996 to 2013...bit of a age difference. At least the different hair helps.

Ness and I are currently watching Season 5 of LOST. We keep dragging it out, so that sucks, cause there is good stuff in season 5. I loved Sawyer and Juliet.  But I'm glad we're dragging out the end of season 5....cause Juliet's death will make me cry again. -tooooooo sad!
As long as we finish season 5 before Revolution starts back again at the end of March...cause I can't deal with too much Elizabeth Mitchell...it will confuse me. -Cause I'll be up to eps of ER by then at this rate!
Speaking of confusing me, Once Upon A Time last week could have been called The LOST episode. Jorge Garcia, Alan Dale and Emilie DeRavin were all featured. There were references to a mysterious island, and to Ajira Airlines (which is the one the gang used to get back to the island in season 5)....I mean COME ON! 

30Rock finished up the other week. The end was really good, some nice sentimental stuff, and a bit of fun. The end was a little weird though, there wasn't any Liz and Jenna stuff. But the Liz and Jack stuff was good.

Community finally came back. Its not my fave show, but its still good fun to watch.

Haven't given up on Glee yet either actually....guess I still kinda enjoy it. I just wish Rachel was less annoying. She's getting too big for her britches!

More to come.
