Saturday 27 February 2010

The Challenge

So I've been saying I'm going to get around to doing a fave episode list for 10 of my top shows. I've finally decided to try and do it week by week, or however long it takes me to decide show by show.

I'm going to start with Friends, or Dawson's Creek...maybe I will be able to do both over the weekend.

The criteria for the select episode will be as follows:
  1. The episode cannot be a big special event episode, eg. muscial, series finale, Christmas/Holiday episode (or similar style), part of a 2 or more part arch, season finale. (however exceptions may apply to some shows)
  2. The episode must be likeable overall, and not just for select scenes. -However I do not have to like every minute of the ep.
  3. The episodes will be chosen for MY own personal love of the ep, not for critic/fan popularity.
  4. The chosen episode must have a good rewatchable quality, not just a really awesome ep artistically, but one that I can't get enough of.
I think that is all my criterion for now, but I may update it later on.

Watch this space to see which ep of Friends I love the most...this week :P


Sunday 21 February 2010

Not As Bad As I Seem!

Eveyday, or at least everytime I go to look up something or someone relating to my numerous obsessions...I find comfort in that for everything I'm looking up, there is someone else out there who has looked up, AND commented about it.

For any lengths that I go to find out what I want to know, there is someone MUCH worse out there. And by worse I don't mean crazy as all looneytoons....but someone who is perhaps slightly more dedicated, or involved than I....however that said....there are plenty of looneytoons out there.

I think I'd consider myself a moderately obsessive fan overall...because while I consider the idea of going to places I know certain people have gone to, in hopes that I just happen to run into them....It's relatively harmless. Additionally, while I feel the need to find out about personal lives of people, and really just comes down to a simple google search, and all I really want to know is if something is true or not.

I'd definately say I was obsessive about certain people, following on twitter, googleing, youtubing any interview I can get my hand on, reading any article I can get my hands (well eyes really) on.

But I'm not out there writing fanfic, where the line between reality and fiction (actors/characters) seems to be blurred...I also don't include myself in these senarios....its kinda weird. I also don't publish my comments on the things I look up/find out about the people I like...

So there is delusional, extremely obsessive,...and then there is me. :P


Thursday 18 February 2010

LOST...and others

So I told you it would happen, and it finally did, I'm hooked again. Ep 4 definately had me going OOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! And like other's said would happen, I am starting to get sad at the beginning and the end of each ep, cause it's getting closer to the end.
-Wow I just thought about it and its been a long time since an long-running show (more than 2 seasons) of mine has ended. Not counting DVD shows ofcourse. The last one was ER last year...which has similarities to LOST in that it feels like time to end it, and it has been coming, however, unlike ER, LOST has planed out the storyline for year now! So excited to see how it all ends, but yet dredding it like hell!

In other news, I finished season 11 of ER. Which marks the turning point in ER, with Carter being the last original (never leaving) character to leave. I imagine I would have been really sad and emotional the first time I watched his last ep...and I was pretty emotional this time too. I miss Carter already!
However season 11 really lost some big characters, and never really replaced them. They kicked off Corday...then they lost Chen, and then Carter....huh funny, I never noticed they were the 'C' characters! They never really replaced the lost women on that show, and after Carter left there weren't many REALLY GOOD characters anyways...sad.
The problem now is that I don't have season 12 on dvd, and I'm fighting myself from going back and watching season 15 all over again! I'm weak!

Episode 14 of The Good Wife is my fave so far...mainly because Cary got high! But it made for great scenes...and the rest of the story was actually really interesting. I'm so bummed that I have to wait till March for new eps. Damm Olympics are really messing up the TV schedule!
Also this is problematic because a lot of new shows are starting in March, or are coming back in March, so there will be more shows to fit into my download schedule/limit. But it'll all work out.

I'm caught up on Cougar Town. I don't care what people think, I still like it a lot.
I'm slowly catching up on Parks and Recreation. I just watched Megan Mullally's ep...which was odd seeing as I'm watching a lot of Will & Grace these days. I also can't believe I keep forgetting she was even in that show. It keeps happening to me. Oh well. I've seen it now...I had to redownload it cause the first one was a dud file :( Boo. So that's 8 eps of s2 down, so not too bad.

I think that's all for now....I don't have the energy to get into Brothers & Sisters or Greys or PP right now...Maybe I'll save that for the weekend.


Sunday 7 February 2010

TV Time

Wow...long time without posting!!
Well after the awards shows, I went back to my regularly scheduled programs.

I finished season 10 of ER, and am on my way though season 11. I finally gave in and started season 5 of Will and Grace. I still don't have season 6 though, so I'm gonna try and find that on special somewhere soon hopefully.

I felt so bad that not been able to remember the name of one of my fave eps of Pushing Daisies, that I think I will have to watch it when I finish ER.
I'm not quite ready to watch my new seasons of Grey's Anatomy on dvd. I think I'll wait a while. I would like to get Private Practice s1 before I start season 5 of Grey's.

In terms of downloaded shows....Lost came back last week, so I'll be watching that each week now. I enjoyed the first ep, but sadly it might take a few eps to get completely re-hooked, hopefully not too long cause there are not many eps left!
A lot of shows were on break, so I was downloading season 2 of Parks and Recreation, which I'm enjoying. But it will now have to wait till I have space after my other shows. I'm loving The Good Wife - and have now got my mum hooked. I only just watched a new ep, and can't wait for another one next week! Looking forward to new Modern Family too!

In othe news - I'm on a mission to pick 10 shows and try and pick my fave from each. More criteria to come, but it will mostly be based on which ep I love, and can/have watched over and over or something like that.
So far I have narrowed down the shows....I think. lol
