Saturday 26 January 2013

Goodbye Private Practice Program

So its over, gone, done, finished for good and never coming back. While the finale didn't exactly leave me it tears, there were many almost moments, and it was a good episode.

After a season of character centric episodes, this one did feel a little rushed and in some ways I feel they didn't really get to give each one enough time in this finale. Perhaps if it had been a longer episode, I would have felt more satisfied. The ending with them all arguing over the title of Violet's book 'Private Practice' was cute, and the going out and down the elevator was a nice little ending.

Our Characters:

Charlotte and Cooper - I can't believe how much these two have grown since the start of the show. From Cooper being a little boy who met women from sex sites and blew his money, to being in a healthy relationship, to married....and Charlotte who was damaged and had limited social/relationship skills - and now is married...with Triplets. Their relationship is one of my all time faves. From the get go they were meant for each other, and I'm going to miss them.
-oh and Caroline is totally my fave triplet for being the ringleader!

Violet - I loved that she was writing another book. I love that she's in a good place. She's not ready for a new relationship, but that's okay because she's happy with her life, so someday she might get there.

Sheldon - I love that he finally got a girlfriend, even if she is dying. I don't love that he quit...but he's probably due for a sabbatical, so I think it was good that he was sitting on a beach with the woman he loved. I also loved that he stood up for himself, and made her listen.

Sam - I love that he went to New York to fight for Naomi...even before he found out about the baby. That was awesome.

Addison - I love how Addison has grown, we knew her for a few years before everyone else. She's grown so much. She found a new guy, got a baby, got married, and now has that life balance she's been looking for.

Amelia - see Amelia is the one I feel like her story is not over at all. Yes she got clean, she's started a new relationship that sounds like its going somewhere good...but its not at all wrapped up....and there was a serious shortage of Amelia scenes this season. I missed her. Hopefully we get to see her pop up on Grey's at some point...just so we can check in with her from time to time. I mean she IS family.

Jake - sorry Jake but I never loved you. I feel the stories with him and his daughter were not necessary, and that time should have been spent on Amelia.

Naomi - no more Fife, she's back in LA, married to Sam (YAY!!) and back at the Practice. I'm assuming she brought Betsey back with her.....

Things I LOVED:
-There were many call backs in this ep, I liked the style of the split screen thing they used to do in the earlier seasons. Also Naomi and her stress eating junkfood.
-I loved having Naomi back. I know she was never my fave, but I have missed her these past 2 years. Pity she didn't bring Betsey with her!
-I loved Amelia's line about Sheldon's girlfriend Miranda not filtering either. I loved seeing the classic Amelia attitude we saw in her early days.
-I loved the metaphor of Violet and her patient, being the show and the audience. Cause its going to be really hard to let go, to not have another episode coming up, or hear stories from the set. I'm sure I'll watch the dvds over and over.
-I loved Mr Mom Cooper finally getting what he always wanted, but 3 babies is a lot for 2 people to handle, let alone 1, I think they should have had a nanny as well anyways!

What I didn't like:
-I missed the kids. I would have liked to see Lucas - he's been MIA all season. I would have liked to see Henry too and a little more of Mason and the babies. Wouldn't it have been cool if Maya and Olivia and Betsey could have come too.
-I did like that Sam and Naomi were meant to be, but somehow it makes those early years feel a little like all that time they spent apart was a waste, when  they should have just been together. - Poor Maya -that's gotta be confusing.
-The fact that the ending was left open. I felt closure in some ways, but I don't understand how if the characters lives are still going on and evolving, why we can keep being part of those stories.
-I feel Charlotte and Coop needed another scene....I know there was stuff that was cut for time, but I didn't like the the last conversation between them was about needing a nanny...the bit in bed with the kids was cute, but I would have liked a little resolution. I guess they got the nanny, cause Coop was back at work...but still.
-The shortage of Amelia scenes. 
-BIG unresolved plot point.....SHELDON'S CANCER?! Gone? Not gone? Did I miss it or was that never spoken of. I'm imagining that he's fine....I hope.

How things end in my mind.......

I always imagined maybe in a few years, Charlotte and Coop would move their family out east where one of them got a really great job, maybe Charlotte took over a new position as Chief of some other hospital.
Amelia and James maybe got married and did have their own kid....and maybe moved down south or something. But there's always those trips to Seattle to see Derek and save a life.
Violet continued writing and helping people, and still stayed close with Cooper - long distance of course, but they always call each other and watch American bake-off together.
Addison and Jake are happy saving the babies and raising little Henry.
Sheldon loses his girlfriend, and comes home after writing a book of his own. He opens his own little practice and helps some more people.
Sam and Naomi raise their brood, and continue their little practice with Jake and Addison.

Well that's that. I guess I am glad that the little show that could kept going after the writers strike of 2007, and became my fave tv show. I'm going to have to put my PPP energy into another show now. Hopefully one comes along soon.
Thank you to Shonda Rhimes for creating this wonderfully funny, sad, tear jerking show, and these crazy awesome characters.
