Thursday 27 December 2012

Back in Action

Okay so I've been MIA for a long time, haven't posted anything since the Emmys back in October...since then the new season has been in full swing and is now on winter break till the new year.

Revolution has become one of my new fave shows. I'm oddly hooked to it. Maybe its cause I've watching LOST again(which I will talk about later). Or maybe because I'm just glad Elizabeth Mitchell being back on tv (without aliens). Anyways...I love it. Its not the best show in the world, but its very intruging and I find myself always wanting to watch it before Bones...sorry Bones, but you're not one of my faves.

Private Practice has gotten AWESOME. So since I last posted, the triplets have been born...well the 2nd two were about to be born in the mid season finale...I can't believe there is only three episodes left. EVER!!!! Its going to be really sad when its gone, because this season has been awesome. Season 5 was really the only time it wasn't great. I'm gonna miss those crazy bunch of people....I wish we could have a Charlotte, Cooper and Amelia spin off...
Grey's is still going for now, I hope that wraps up soon, even though its good, its not great and needs to end soon. ESPECIALLY since PPP is ending. The Arizona stuff has been great this season, and the new interns are actually not annoying! They are okay I mean, lets not get carried away, they are kinda boring and take time away from the good characters.

1 big change so far this season, is that I gave up on The New Girl. I just found that when I was watching it, I wasn't paying attention, so I stopped once I got back from overseas.
I keep saying I'm going to stop watching Revenge, but I keep watching it, might give up if I don't love it when it comes back on.

Once Upon a Time has been really good this season, as has Parenthood (except for that whole Ray Romano thing). The last ep before Christmas killed me. I was bawling like a baby. Mostly cause I wasn't sure if Kristina was going to die or not, and also because it brought back some personal bad memories from my childhood. Her video to the kids was a tearjerker!

Parks and Rec is awesome as usual. Ben and Leslie are getting married, and Ron Swanson is dating Xena....

Can't wait for Smash and Bunheads to come back. As well as the next season of The Newsroom if that ever comes back!

In the meantime, I've rewatched the entire Studio 60 again...and Parks and Rec season 3. Now I'm wrapping up season 5 of 30 Rock - which will also bow out soon. Then I'm moving onto Smash!


Wednesday 10 October 2012

Emmys 2012

I know this is late, but there wasn't really a whole lot to talk about. Apart from Modern Family there were no real winners that I was interested in...and none of the people I REALLY wanted to/or thought deserved to win, did not.

Jimmy Kimmel wasn't a terrible host, but he wasn't really very intestering. In fact they should just let Amy Poehler host - her little thing with Julia Louis Dreyfus was the best part!
The other funny thing I liked was the Modern Family clip with the girl that plays Lily being a monster on set...very amusing!

I really though Elizabeth Moss and Amy Poehler were robbed for awards this year. I felt like it was their such luck.

Anyways...thats pretty much all I have to say on Emmys 2012.


Wednesday 26 September 2012

OD-ing on TV

More tv came back this week, most notably Private Practice, which I was not really looking forward to based on a crappy season last year. But season 6 started with a bang and found the funny, found the old character traits and found the quality!
So Pete was removed, at first making you think he's run away and is a douche...and then found to have died...(poor Tim Daly, not cool ABC)
The season premire was spent focusing on a day from each character's (or set of characters) point of view. It was well done and the annoyingness of last season seems to have been fixed.

Charlotte is back to her old self, interesting again....and pregnant...with triplets....crazy! Poor poor Charlotte, she wasn't into it with 1 baby, let alone 3...and all I can think is how funny its going to be to see that tiny woman super fat!
Addison chose Jake...which is good -I was SOOOOOOO over the stupidity of them not figuring out that Sam and Addison wasn't working.
Sheldon is hooking up with his ex - there is more going on there, but not sure what yet.
Amelia kept very low key, and wasn't around the group really.
Mason is so far less annoying...but we'll see what happens when Char and Coop go house hunting and bring on babyland!

The New Girl is back, still not my fave show, but I'll stick with it for now.

Also good tv this week -  SNL. I was worried that without Kristen, Andy, and Abby that it wouldn't be any good. But this week's ep with Joseph Gordon Levitt was actually pretty funny. Vanessa Bayer is rocking it.

Ep 2 of Revolution was also excellent. Its my new fave show! Elizabeth Mitchell's character was revealed to be not dead (like I believed all along, very predictable). She seemed to kind of being held hostage...not sure what's going on there...but a family reunion is going to be good, sans poor Ben.

Since I was sick all weekend and had 4 days off, I finished season 2 of In Plain Sight. I listened to 2 commentaries with Mary McCormack and Fred Weller - they were very funny!
Continueing my West Wing people tv theme, I started Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip...for the kazillionth time.

Its only the 3rd week of new tv, and I'm already starting to feel stressed out trying to fit everything in! Its too much! Just wait till I get back from the big trip in November...its going to be crazy trying to catch up!


Thursday 20 September 2012

Bad Blogger

Sooooo I've been AWOL lately...too busy watching all the tv to get a chance to talk about it!

So The Newsroom is finished, can't wait till next season...I'm still hoping a few Sorkin shows alumn will pop up.
But seriously, enough with the West Wing references! That whole "gather ye rosebuds" bit was too much for me to handle!

Weeds bowed out this week, with a flash forward...with no real closure. Its funny, I kinda always expected Nancy to die in the end. But I guess it ended okay. It was nice to see some old faces again.

A new season has begun, with the shows starting up again. 
Parenthood is back after a February season finale - toooooooo long a break in my opinion. Its good to finally have Lauren Graham back on my tv. 

Revolution is a new show. So far I like it. Its part Lost, part Jericho, part....hunger games I guess. But its intriguing.

More shows will come back over the next few weeks. Plus some more new shows starting. Wonder what will survive this year!

Also the emmys are on on Monday. Can't wait!!!!


Monday 9 July 2012

Sorkin Is Back!!!

So Aaron Sorkin's back with a new drama series on tv. The Newsroom on HBO. While I do find it a little strange having Sorkin on cable tv, for this series, its probably the best...and so far no major nudity! So a plus there!

The show does not star any of my people...but they are all good people. Jeff Daniels, Emily Mortimer, Alison Pill, Dev Patel, Olivia Munn are all excellent...even Sam Waterston is excellent! Plus a few new people who I'm going to enjoy.

I like her concept of a proper news show that presents all sides. I like the relationships. And I like that its in New York.

There are plenty of links or references with previous Sorkin shows, including a character named Margaret Jordan! The only problem I have is that I tend to compare things that happen to characters from The West Wing or Studio 60. I found many things in the 2nd episode very 'Josh', 'Donna', Leo, Matt etc.
But I think that will go away soon...and is mostly to blame on the fact that I'm halfway through rewatching The West Wing!

So far only 3 episodes have aired, but I think I've liked the 2nd one best...or maybe the pilot. Its already been picked up for a 2nd season, so I'm sure there are plenty more great things to come!

-Seeing as she's been in every other Sorkin show, I wonder how long it will be before Felicity Huffman makes a guest appearance! -Maybe some old Sorkin peeps will pop up too....


Wednesday 20 June 2012


So two eps have aired now, and I was hooked from the very beginning!
Its by Amy Sherman-Palladino of Gilmore Girls fame! It's very GG...the fact that it's got Kelly Bishop in it, the music, the dialogue, quirky characters and references...but the 2nd ep was less GG which took care of my worries. I thought Kelly was a little too Emily in the pilot! But she's awesomely hilarious!

Sutton Foster is awesome! She's got the fast paced dialogue down pat and is wonderful to watch each week! I've missed that fast rat tat tat language since Gilmore Girls ended! No other show talks that fast.

I like the ballet girls, Sasha is kinda annoying, but she's ok. But what kind of name is Boo?!

I love Stacey Oristano of Friday Night Lights is hilarious as Truly! She's my fave townie.
Then Ellen Greene of Pushing Daisies was in the 2nd ep, and she was crazy and hilarious! Sooo many good people!
Other Gilmore Girls people have popped up already, or will pop up in the future which is cool.

It's my new favorite show, can't wait for the next ep! I've watched the pilot a few times over and have so far watched the 2nd ep twice!


Sunday 3 June 2012

Wishes for Next Season -PPP

So its been announced that Tim Daly won't be returning to Private Practice for season 6. Which I've gotta say sucks! Now its true that Pete has never been my fave character, but I still liked him. I liked Violet and Pete as a couple, and I liked Pete and Charlotte - he was pretty much the only one that was always nice to her. And its sad that Lucas is going to lose his dad! - Maybe Charlotte, Cooper, Violet and the boys should all move in together - that could be fun! hah!

Losing Pete will mean there are very few likeable men on that show. I'm on the fence with Cooper, and Sheldon and Sam have become boring, and often annoying.  I'm still not loving Benjamin Bratt's character Jake. I just can't connect to him. Maybe it was easier with all the other characters, because I didn't really know the actors. And I have never liked Ben.

I am glad that it seems to be decided that Private Practice will end with a short 13 episode 6th season. It at least will allow them to have some closure and wrap up the storylines. I really don't think it should try to carry on, especially if Kate Walsh leaves too. I mean I love Amy, Paul, KaDee and Caterina, but I don't think they can carry the whole show.

I'd like to see them ending the show with maybe someone moving away. Charlotte and Cooper would be a good choice, I could see Charlotte getting a chance to work somewhere on the east coast or even Cooper. I'd also like to see them have a baby.
I'd imagine Violet moving away too maybe, but I think her storyline will depend on what they do with Pete...
Addison might decide to take a break from medicine to raise Henry.

Amelia might head to Seattle to be close to her brother (now wouldn't that be awesome), or get a job at a fancy hospital (sorry Charlotte, St Ambrose is a terrible hospital).

Sheldon.....well maybe Sheldon and Violet could open up their own practice.

Sam...who knows with Sam, he'll probably still around. Or go to NY to be close to Maya (hey Sam, remember your daughter and granddaughter?!).

As for next season. I really hope they find the funny and wrap things up nicely. I hope that they don't waste the few episodes they have left, and get back to the quality that was the first 4 seasons. Season 5 was not up to scratch in my opinion, Amelia's storyline excluded.

Whatever happens, I'll miss Pete. I hate that all the original characters are leaving. I hope Audra comes back to guest star at some point this season, I can't believe it - but I REALLY miss Naomi!


Monday 28 May 2012

Bye Bye Kristen Wiig

Saturday Night Live is over for the season, and the finale was also Kristen Wiig's last show. She is perhaps the last great women of SNL. - Those new girls are good, but they're not there yet.

This finale was chock full of Kristen naturally. They brought out a few of her old classic characters, Denise of the Lawrence Welk show, and Mindy Greyson from Secret Word. They've also been doing classic Kristen characters all season.

The best part of the ep was perhaps the musical goodbye from Mick Jagger, while Kristen danced with each of the cast members. -the boys looked good in their suits....and they all looked sad, and I gotta admit I had tears rolling at this point. Ruby Tuesday might be stuck in my head for awhile.
I'm sure Kristen will go onto many great things in the future, and I'll follow. Also there's always opportunities to come back to SNL for guest appearances or even hosting!

But I wanted to take the time to note a few of my all time fave Kristen Wiig sketches/characters.

Easily in my top 5, The Target (or Turget) Lady. I love her! She's funny, kooky and quotable! o "Aprooved!" "Yeah!"

Kathie-Lee Griffin, especially when used with someone playing Hoda. -Although the overall thing lost something once I learned that those 2 are actually like that on their show. But Kristen is still HILARIOUS!

Kath and Garth (with Fred Armisen) - always makes for good crack ups, a sketch that is literally just the two of them making up songs on the spot and copying from each other.

Denise on the Lawrence Welk show - so creepy, but hilarious. She's so gross, but its funny.

The 2 A-holes (with Jason Sudekis) -started off hating this sketch, cause they seemed annoying, but recently I have really come to LOVE these guys....and find myself saying "What?" all the time.

Gilly - I love to hate Gilly. She's silly and annoying, but so awesome!

Michelle Bachman....not really into political sketches, but Michelle Bachman is too crazy to not love, and Kristen makes almost anything funny!

-I'm sure I'll think of more characters later, but for now....farewell Kristen, can't wait to see what you do in the future, and come back soon!!!!!


Tuesday 22 May 2012

Devastating Finales

Oh Shonda Rhimes what are you doing to me?! Poor Little Grey!

Grey's Anatomy's finale picked up where the last episode left off, with Meredith, Derek, Christina, Lexie, Mark and Arizona's plane crashing to the ground in the forest. Very LOST with the way Meredith woke up on the ground, but anyways...

I knew someone was going to die, and could rule out a few, but still I was not prepared! I mean excluding Alex and Callie the best people from Grey's were on the plane!!

So Arizona was screaming, Derek and Lexie were MIA, and the rest were ok, but injured. Christina and Meredith go off to find Derek and Lexie, only to find poor Lexie crushed by the tail of the plane, barely alive, but she lasts long enough for a tearful goodbye with Mark. -Seriously Shonda you're sooooo mean, but I guess we have to love you for it, cause its such good TV! Oh Meredith, your curse is starting to rival the Kennedy's! And so sad, she only had Lexie to get along with, she's not close with Thatcher, and they seem to have forgotten that other half sister!- maybe she'll turn up now! Who knows?
Then to make things worse, Mark almost dies, but luckily they are all resourceful doctors...and when he's close to giving up, Arizona is there to remind him that he has a daughter to live for...
Oh yeah, and back home in Seattle...the cases all parallel the injuries from the plane crash. And no one seems to notice they are MIA. Then Teddy gets fired so she can go do a new job.

Overall great finale. I was sad Teddy was leaving, but she's been a but boring this year. I'm crushed Lexie is gone, but it could have been worse as far as people I love!

I've got a few issues with Meredith and Christina leaving Arizona alone and pretty much ignoring her, but it wasn't like she was going far with that broken leg! Speaking of, wonder how she got into the plane by nightfall, maybe Meredith carried her.

Next season I'd like to see: If it is going to be the last season, I want them to wrap it up nicely...and give us closure.
I like to see April turn things around and become less annoying...assuming she's sticking around. And Jackson, I'd like him to be more interesting.
I'd like Meredith to be true to her career and talent and do great medical things...once she's out of the dark and twisty phase that Lexie's death might send her into.
I'd like Callie and Arizona to keep growing, maybe have another kid....
I'd like Alex to do something great, and become the good guy we know he is deep down inside.

Now Grey's may have been the saddest finale of the season, but Private Practice was also pretty sad. Poor Amelia and her baby with no brain. I liked the finale. In fact the last few eps of the season have been quite good, compared to the rest of the season, which has not been the greatest.
Charlotte and Coop are moving on and becoming comfortable in their new family dynamic. Though Mason calling Charlotte "momma", while sweet is kinda creepy. - though not as creepy as her watching him sleep.
Don't care about Addison, Sam and Jake. But I'd rather her with Jake, cause Sam needs to move on.
-I've also decided that Mason sleeps in the kitchen, as it's the only spare space in Coop's tiny apartment!!

Next season I'd love to see: Char and Coop get a proper house, and maybe think about having a baby.
- I'd love Violet and Pete to get over their crap and get back to being fun.
-I'd like a new young, single character, since Amelia and Charlotte got sober and boring....and they killed Dell!
-I'd love Naomi to come visit, who knew I'd end up missing her so much!!

Scandal also had a great finale, for a show with only 7 episodes. I loved it from the get go and was hooked. I know its perhaps not up to the standard of The West Wing, but its got enough for me to love it, and then there is plenty of Shonda the best of both worlds. Plus I like that its very twisty, I never see things coming, maybe that's just cause I'm usually really tired when I watch it.
I'd love to see this season grow in its 2nd season. I really love Abby and Stephen's chemistry, and would be interested in seeing them as a couple...if this show does couples.  I really want them to make Joshua Malina's character a regular...he's in all the eps, and he's always good!
-I must note that I noted at least 2 uses of Private Practice sets in the finale, Char and Coop's apartment as that dead guys, and David's offices use some of PPP.

SNL's season finale made me cry, but see my post on that for more details.

Once Upon a Time was really good, but I did love a lot of other shows more this season, but sadly they all got cancelled....I am most upset about Ringer, Unforgettable and Pan Am. Although Pan Am felt like a complete run, the others had so much more to give!
New Girl's finale was nice, but I only LIKE that show. Raising Hope's finale made me cry (pattern), and the rest either have not yet aired, or I can't think of them right now.....
oh yes, SMASH. The finale was actually quite predictable....I knew Karen would get it, because I wanted Ivy to. And she was good, but in my head Ivy is Marilyn. Yay for more Bernadette Peters, and more Will Chase! Poor silly Ivy, pills is not the answer...
Oh yeah and what are the odds Julia is pregnant with Michael's baby?!
As for next season, more singing from Christian Borle please! And more Bernadette Peters, always more Bernadette!

Will post more if I think of it, and hopefully not too soon after this week's finales of Glee and Revenge.


Tuesday 15 May 2012

Farewell In Plain Sight

IPS aired its last episode the other weekend, season 5 was only 8 episodes long, but it was still very well done.
I liked that Stan moved on, and that Marshall got a promotion...but it was very, close of chapter to me rather than whole story...but then the only way to really end these stories would have been to kill one of them - I always thought either Mary or Marshall wouldn't make it to the end of the series....or that they'd become a couple, which would have been weird.

I was glad they showed that Mary had grown and evolved. I was glad they wrapped up the father storyline. It was also good to see Brandi come back...weird as that was!

But overall it's nice to see a long running series get a chance to wrap up their ending.



Tuesday 24 April 2012

A Leave of Absence

So I've been slack with my blogging. A result if having too much on tv to watch, and other things to monopolize my time.

Private Practice came back 2 weeks ago, and I'm not sure if it was the fact that it has been gone a month, but I really enjoyed it. There was good sad stuff, not just sappy crap. That said, Mason still bugs me!
The ep last week wasn't quite as good, but still not terrible. Poor Amelia!
Still not used to the new time on Tuesdays, but at least it's on. I'm loving Scandal though!

I'm watch sooo much these days, it's hard to fit it all in, let alone blog about it. I think I might need to cut back, or at least wait on a few shows. I'm thus close to giving up on Glee, I just don't care...I feel the same about Revenge! I put it on, but it's so boring I only half pay attention!

I'm slowly getting to my DVDs. I've only got a few eps of Grey's season 7 left. Then it's into in plain sight season 2....and some more west wing...which I let myself start from the begging again! Its been too long!

Hopefully I can find time to watch those DVDs I've got sitting I've got more on the way!

Also I'm still waiting for a few of my shows to get picked up for another season! They better, or I'll be very very angry!!!


Friday 16 March 2012


Okay we are 6 eps in now and I love it or at least like it a lot. I'm not as excited as I was about glee back in the day, maybe it's that I'm just not getting my hopes up anymore. So anyways.....
Love Debra Messing in it. It's SOOOO great to have her back on tv. I love Megan Hilty in it, even if her character Ivy has her bitchy diva moments. I am learning to love Katherine McPhee's character Karen... But I have bias there. I also love Tom.
The songs are a bit hit and miss sometimes, but this weeks eps songs were fantastic!

The only song I have downloaded for now, is the one from the pilot Let Me Be Your Star. There is a soundtrack coming and I may get more once I find out the track listing.

Yesterday I also scored myself a smash team ivy T-shirt and pic - a prize from a wchannel competition.

The only thing that bothers me about Smash is the opening title just seams cheap and dull. Still don't love the name either!!

Can't wait for Bernadette Peters' eps!!!!

Hopefully there is plenty of good stuff to come!


Tuesday 21 February 2012

Keeping Score

Last year I would have said my fave shows were Private Practice and Parenthood, closing followed by Grey's Anatomy.
This year, I still LOVE Parenthood, and Grey's, but Private Practice has dropped way down the quality scale, and become really boring. I am not excited for it like I used to be...because they made my fave characters - Charlotte, Amelia, Violet and Cooper boring. Addison is getting more interesting again, except for the fact that she keeps going back to Sam!

So obviously my expectations for the crossover with Grey's were pretty low. I really enjoyed the Grey's half. With the exception of all the Christina and Owen stuff. I love Derek and Amelia together. I also liked Lexie getting involved! The PPP half was ok. The Charlotte and Mason parts were interesting. I did like the bit at the end with char and coop, but I was sure she was going to say they should have a kid of their own! Also I felt bad that the whole time I could not decide whether I wanted Erica to live or not...if she lived we are stuck with her and if she died Char and Coop got stuck with. Mason all the time. But I guess it all worked out for the best.
I like that Sam has something else going on....but I was dying for him to speak to Naomi. I miss her!!!

In other TV news, I loved loved loved SNL this week! Maya hosted and it was hilarious! I loved that Amy Poehler came back to do Bronx beat and update. I loved the sketch with Kristen and Maya were they almost lost it, and poor Bill did. Points to Vanessa for keeping it together! Golden ep, which I will probably watch a few times over!

It's been a good tv week, but here's where I'm at with my shows.

Top Rated, Can't Live Without Them:
Parenthood - what is not to love?!
Grey's Anatomy - so glad this show bounced back. They found the funny again.
Parks and Recreation - I love this season. The stuff with Leslie and Ben is delightful!
Saturday Night Live - maybe it's not as good as previous seasons, but when it's good it's on fire!
Private Practice - close ti dropping out of thus category, sadly this show used to have me waiting to watch it, now I'm less excited for it.

Shows That I love, but could still live if they were cancelled:
Pan Am - it may not be the absolute greatest show in the world...but I love it!
The Good Wife - I love how relevant the topics are for the cases from this show. I also love the guest stars.
Cougar Town - Its back and it's awesome!
Unforgettable- never thought I'd care much about this show, but I must be in need of a crime show fix, cause I love it!
Modern Family - this show is still funny, been good lately, after a big of a slump last year.
Suburgatory - still loving this show. One of my faves of the new shows.

Shows That I just Like:
Once Upon a Time - love the fairy tales, but it if we're to go I'd be fine.
Ringer - its pretty darn good, but I don't LOVE it.
Glee - once upon a time it was so addictive and awesome, the songs were great, and so was the story. But now I'm caring less and less....until something small pulls me back in.
Ringer - really got into it at the beginning, but now I'm getting bored.
Revenge - even better than ringer to start with, and now less interesting.
30 Rock - every now and then I love an ep, but mostly I just love Liz.
Up All Night - its funny and cute and I like it, but dunno if it has lasting power.
The Finder - could really take it or leave it.

That's my TV...finales will be coming up soon, so things should get interesting.
Smash is not on the list, having just started, but it's looking great so far!


Monday 6 February 2012


Well overall I gotta say that TV was pretty lame and crappy last week.

The Good Wife was one of the light sparks though. I loved Will on trial, and how it brought out his and Alicia's relationship out into the open. I loved Cary and the other 'bad guys' getting so close, and then having the jury turn on them. Awesome! I also liked the stuff with Eli and David's niece, and also I like that she isn't a total dummy.

Once Upon A Time is still good, but starting to lose me a little, in the way LOST went on too much about people's pasts (which in LOST turned out not to matter for a single thing in the end), and also doesn't seem to go on about the stories I want to know about. Much like LOST, it never seems to address any of my questions. I am intrigued by this new guy who stole Henry's book though...and if only they'd give Ginnifer Goodwin something to do except pine.

Raising Hope was good, but the betting thing got a bit annoying by the end of the episode. Little Hope dressed up as Hilary Clinton was great though!

New Girl is getting more interesting. Maybe its something to do with adding more girls into it...But I just don't LOVE it the way everyone else seems to...maybe I'm missing something? Who knows?!

Glee wasn't great this week. I am not a huge Michael Jackson the music side didn't win me over much. I liked the story parts better...which the exception of the 'rumble' with the Dalton boys....sooooo boring.    I liked Rachel's breakdown when she was forced to deal with the fact that her musical career might not be golden....even though we all know it will be. It was nice to see that addressed, because we ARE rooting for Rachel, she is talented and deserves to go far, and it was sad when she thought she might not.  I still find it very far fectched that Quinn got into YALE....but TV has proved that when it comes to College, anything is possible :P
-oh yeah...anyone remember Irish kid?! Where did he go? And bring Idina back!!!

Thursday's TV was interesting. P-Rex did an early Valentine's Day ep, which was adorable, and had plenty of Ann which I loved....the fact that she ended up on a date with Tom at the end I did NOT love... But cute are Ben and Leslie?!
Up All Night was pretty average. Maybe it was because I was very out of it while I was watching it, but I was bored....not sure if this show make it.
30 Rock was also kinda boring...sometimes I don't even know if I REALLY like this show. I like bits of it, but lately it hasn't been winning me over as much.

Grey's was kinda cool this week. I couldn't stop laughing at everyone's wigs and stuff....Pink Meredith was so bright and shiny it was weird...but not as weird as her being called 'Dr Webber'....couldn't wrap my head around that one....Alex might have been my fave...soooo dorky! Everyone else was mixed up and changed slightly....poor Bailey...I love the link between Ellis not being around, and Bailey's confidence and kickass attitude...or lack there of.   Druggie Lexie was cool...(or not)  -I did NOT like the grey scrubs...they were hideodious! 
I thought it was a bit harsh saying that Izzie went crazy and shot up the place!...but then maybe alternate Izzie was a BITCH! Poor George, at least he wasn't dead, just failed his intern exam.
Overall the premise started out good, but by the end everyone sorta became who they would have anyways...Addison still ended up with Mark's baby...poor 'real world' Addy...maybe she should try having a baby with Mark again :P; Meredith ended up at bar with Derek, Alex was a douche who was crappy at relationships....btw how weird were he and Mere as a couple?! Lexie's mum was still dead, but Charles wasn't...and all these weird things that by the end kinda cheapened it. But it was great for a laugh...and also the use of retro grey's music was an awesome touch!   -Also nooo Teddy...she was mentioned though...but I expected her to turn up by the end....I mean everyone else did.
Anyways, it was a fun ep of tv, and still way better that almost anything else on tv this week. Grey's you are winning my heart back again!!!!

Private Practice was perhaps one of the most boring eps of the series in a while....I'm sorry, but I LOVED this show last year, and the seasons before that...but this year is just not doing it for me. Every funny and outspoken character has been knocked down and 'evolved' into feeling, nice people. Charlotte has become SO boring...I love her, but she was awesome because she was outspoken, feisty and fun....and now she's just playing mummy to Mason. Amelia is the same, she used to be fun, but now she's so sulky and staying out of peoples way, that I REALLY miss her non-existent ability to filter. Violet and Pete drive me crazy, I liked them as a couple, but now all they do is fight...and I don't care...especially cause their arguments are nonsensical....Pete has become a complete tool, and hypocrite. I also don't care for Violet and her new beau...except for the fact that he was the only one to suggest she move!  Addison wins best character in this weeks ep, mostly for the line "Is it because you've seen my vagina in a medical way?". It was golden. -Also drunk people are funny!


Monday 30 January 2012

Weekend TV Delayed

So since I was so busy socializing this last weekend, I watched my NBC comedies Saturday, but ran out of time for Grey's and the PPP till Sunday, which sucked cause they are my faves.

I thought 30 Rock was better than last week, and it was good this week too! But it unfortunately isn't competing for my fave show of the night.

Parks and Rec continues to be adorable and sweet while still being hilarious! Leslie and Ben are my couple of the season. Also I'm glad Rob Lowe is getting a chance to show his funny side. April was very sweet this week, after Jerry's daughter broke up with Chris. Always nice to see different sides of her.

Grey's was adorable last week. Good Arizona stuff. Good Meredith stuff, especially all the too cute for words Zola stuff.

Private Practice was good, but boy does Violet need to move!!!!! Her house is cursed!!! Still not thrilled with Mason and his dying mother...I find her annoying, and the kid kinda annoying. But I am enjoying a different side of Charlotte, but there is no way they can live in that shoebox apartment with a 9 year old! -I did also enjoy some more hospital stuff with Charlotte...especially since she doesn't seem to have any patients of her own....remember the good old sexology days?! As well as some Violet stuff that involved characters other than Pete or Addison!!

I really missed my Dramas last week. Glad that they'll be back this week. -Still not LOVING The Finder, but I do love Geoff Stults, he's adorable, (as well as a jinx....October Road anyone?) so I must keep watching as long as its not terrible, which its definitely not yet....

Also, I'm really getting through Parenthood season 2 on dvd....and Ness and I have almost finished season 1 of Friday Night Lights - I gave in and decided to buy the complete series, so that's on its way to me now. YAY!

And there is plenty more good tv to come this week!!!!

Sunday 15 January 2012

Thurday Night TV Is Nuts!!!!

So this week I had seven shows to watch from the US's Thursday night....crazy. I had 3 NBC, 2 ABC and 2 Fox shows...didn't get a chance to watch any Friday night, so I watched them all yesterday.

30 Rock was back. YAY. Although I must say I didn't get much out of the ep...but it's sure to get better. Liz acting all happy and stuff was weird, but not really that funny. Jenna as usual was annoying, and not a lot else happened...except that the baby playing Jack's daughter Liddie, was ADORABLE! (But not as cute as Zola....)

Parks and Rec was good, lots of group time, which is always fun. I liked having plenty of Ann stuff, and Ann and Leslie stuff. I liked Ben and Chris hanging out, loser unemployed Ben was great! But it was clear from the start that'd he'd end up being Leslie's campaign manager.

Up All Night was okay. I found myself a little bored with their New Years. But Maya never fails to entertain. Missy is usually entertaining, but in this week's ep all the stuff with her british boyfriend was annoying...I half expected and her and Ava to switch boyfriends!

Grey's Anatomy was good as usual. I liked intense least it gave her something to do. I didn't like Alex giving up all his big moments to the Chief, soooo annoying. Christina and Teddy were heartbreaking, how Christina just had to keep telling Teddy what happened until she was finally able to accept it.Not caring about Bailey anymore...her boyfriend is annoying, and she's annoying. Bailey used to kick ass, but now not so much.
AND oh my goodness was the stuff with Meredith, Derek and baby Zola too freaking adorable for words!

I find myself enjoying Private Practice this year (the whole 2 eps we've had) a little better than what we got last year, they found a little more of the funny. I like Amelia slowing finding herself again. I'm hating Violet and Pete...I like them as a couple, so them being apart is weird. I like Sam and Addie moving on. I enjoyed boys night, but it was still weird...and lacking Sheldon. -They should go back to playing poker. ...and also they need Girls Night...cause Addison and Violet have become a couple themselves, I really really really really miss Violet and Cooper. They have barely even had 2 seconds together this season. Also I love that Charlotte is growing emotionally -she's kinda cute playing mummy, and also that Cooper is growing UP, but I wish they'd be a bit more fun again, they've turned into a boring married couple. The storyline with Mason's mother was kinda predictable...but I wish Charlotte and Amelia hadn't just jumped into illegally gaining access to her medical records....come on RUN the hospital!!!!! She used to be a stick to the rules could respect that. (And since when do they just accept a tumor...and not try to get rid of it on these shows) -also a partition?! Charlotte you need a HOUSE...or a new place with at least 2 bedrooms...they also have those on the internet :P ok I'm letting it go.

 Bones was good, I liked the case and there was fun stuff with Hodgins as usual. I like Booth looking for a house...and more importantly finding one....who knew that Bones would like a house that was ripped apart so you could see the houses 'bones'. 
I also watched the spin-off The Finder. It was okay, I'd keep watching if I can keep up the time...although I think Bones in going on break for a while, so that should be okay. The recasting was interesting, between the set-up ep in Bones, and this new ep for series. That young girl is gonna get annoying, I can tell.

I wish there wasn't so much packed into 1 night, but there isn't even much that I would be willing to postpone till the next day, maybe The Finder....

Golden Globes tomorrow. Can't wait.

Tuesday 10 January 2012

Pan Am How I Love You

So this is my little love letter to ABC's Pan Am. I love the classic style of the show. I love the nostalgia. I love the characters. I love the cast and the guest stars. I love the clothes. Really...I just love it all.

-Which is why it is sure to be cancelled after this first season. But hopefully it should get some sort of semi conclusion....having not filmed the last episodes yet....maybe something that could play as a season finale AND a series finale. But I won't count my chickens.

It was so good to have it back this week...even if I had to wait a whole extra day to watch it.  But all the Dean and Colette stuff make me sad. I've always LOVED them as a couple...and in classic tv couple storyline...when she broke it off because of Bridget....he ended up back with his ex Bridget by the end....SOOO predictable. -I hated it, but mainly cause I love Dean and Colette...not because of predictability.

I love the spy stuff with Kate. Its almost Alias-esque, but without any butt kicking.
I love Colin Donnell....cause he's adorable...and I'm glad they keep bringing him back, even if I don't really care about the Maggie storyline that he's involved in. I used to like Maggie a lot, but I'm a tad bored with the congressman story.

I liked the idea of Ted and Laura. I was hoping that they'd turn out to be a couple. She's sort of helped him grow into a semi-decent guy...and I've enjoyed watching him grow over the season. Who knows they might have a chance, but I'm much more worried about Dean and Colette.

Whether or not the show ends soon, or gets another season - I've really enjoyed it. Now I won't be absolutely devastated if it doesn't come back, but I will be sad for a while, so here's hoping.


Sunday 8 January 2012

Its Back Baby!

Finally my tv is coming back. With Parenthood, Grey's and Private Practice all returning this week, along with Suburgatory, Modern Family and Unforgettable.

I have missed Parenthood like crazy. The road trip was hilarious. I love the Bravermans. I loved the stuff with Kristina and Max. It was good to see him face consequences. But I though Zeke was a bit out of line, sometimes he really annoys me.
Have I mentioned how much I like Joel?! He's always to be counted on for a laugh as an outside observer of the Braverman clan.

Grey's was great, picking up where we left off last year. I loved the stuff with Christina and Teddy, I felt bad for Teddy not knowing that he was dead, but worse for Christina actually...because hiding the truth from her for all that time was heartbreaking. Big YAY for Meredith and Derek getting baby Zola back!!!! I'm interested to see how this all goes.  -Wish I cared more about Bailey, but she's become kinda boring. And I just wish Jason George was still busy with Off The Map...I liked him much better on that show. Alex was going a little nuts, but I like it. Can't wait till the alternate reality ep coming up, should be SO much fun.

PPP was great, well a lot better anyways. Although the start of the ep really made no reference to the end of the previous ep which felt kinda cliff-hanger-y with Addison and a pregnancy seemed lazy not to tie up that loose end. I REALLY don't care about Addison and her baby anymore. It has just become too annoying and rushed. I did LOVE Charlotte and Sheldon at the shooting range. I love when Charlotte does something kind of out there....but nothing beats her renovating Cooper's bathroom in season 3. However....Charlotte has become the wise person on the show with all the advice....when did that happen?! and can she ever get her edge back and find the funny - Charlotte and Amelia used to be outspoken and funny...but they seem to have lost that, I hope they can find it again. Violet and Addie being BFF's is weird for me....they seem to have done that to fill in the gap left by Naomi...who I now find myself really missing. I wish there was more with Violet and Cooper...they've spent hardly any time at all together this year. Also Violet and Pete make me sad. I don't LOVE them like I love Charlotte and Cooper, but I like them together, and after all their history I was enjoying them being a proper couple...but I guess that's tv for ya.
I don't like Jake. I don't like Cooper's kid. I am glad that Sam and Addison finally broke up. -Oh and yay Cooper and Charlotte finally had sex....or what looked like it was leading to sex...(Its been 9 eps without them even referencing it, and that seemed really wrong for those 2).
Oh and best part of the ep? - No Erica!!!

Almost all is right with my world....but lets see if I can manage to fit it all in...its going to be a crazy week this week.
