Thursday 8 December 2011

Slightly Quieter Times

So the last 2 weeks there hasn't been a lot on tv, with Thanksgiving shaking up programming, and things wrapping up for the holidays.
There is some good news, Bones is back and its awesome! The Booth and Brennan baby thing was a little weird to get used to at first, but that's fine now.

Rizzoli and Isles came back for the rest of the 2nd season, and so far it rocks! -Not that it wouldn't...I don't think there are too many BAD eps of that show. Sasha and Angie are too funny.

Katie Finneran and Jaime Pressley's show sadly is not great...its verging on not even good....I think the main problems are, A) they don't know what kind of audience they are aiming for... B) the writing needs work, C) I don't know how likeable the characters doesn't feel like we really know them, which might make the two leads more accessible. -I admit there have been a few things that had me cracking up....and no I don't just mean Katie's expressions and voices....
Maybe there is still hope, there have only been 2 eps...who knows. But I'll keep watching as long as it is going...cause I'm loyal.

Still loving Suburgatory. But I swear they better handle this whole Dallas/George thing seems like they are really going to push for them to become a couple...but Dallas is married, so the writers are gonna have to do something before they can try to make them a couple....cause you can't just make George a homewreaker.
....Also, where's Ana?! I thought she was becoming a regular....and yet she's hardly been in the last few eps.

Up All Night is still good. Seems to be sharing the comedy -which is great. And those little girls that play Amy are adorable!

Parks and Rec just keeps making me happier and giddy like a school girl with all the Ben and Leslie stuff...its SO heartwarming! Still bummed about a severe lack of entire Ann centric ep anyone?!
Community is still so so....but I'm bummed about it getting cut short this season. -not nice NBC!

Glee went from okay, to pretty good this week. I gotta say I really enjoy Sectionals without Rachel....allowed the others to shine...especially Quinn and Tina who NEVER get to sing anymore. -However I HATED their outfits. I loved the song at the end - very season 1, with lots of people getting a part. And yay...Quinn grew up....finally....but it was very sudden.  And of course New Directions was going to win, and of course the girls were going to come back. -I could have done without Sam coming back. Didn't work for me...also nobody seemed to care that he didn't actually attend the school anymore?! Does this competition even have rules?! Oh well. Looking forward to a proper Rachel solo in the not too far off future hopefully.

Once Upon is still going strong. And Pan Am is still awesome...yay for Dean and Collette!!!! - But I have a feeling that show might not be long for this Revenge is not as good anymore, but I'm not giving up on it just yet.
I finally got caught up on Unforgettable. I'm really enjoying it, unfortunately its the last show on my list, cause I don't need to watch it right away - but I still enjoy it when I can find the time.
Ringer is starting to do my head in....but its still good.

Maybe over the break I'll get around to catching up on some of the other shows. But I'll probably just watch more old SNL and hopefully all the dvds I've bought lately, that are still sitting there unwatched!


Wednesday 30 November 2011

Back to Normal...Almost

So last week was a super slow TV week. Hardly anything was on, Parenthood was on, but hardly had any Lauren Graham, which made me sad.

This week most things are back, but some shows will not be returning till next year. Boo :(

I was excited to have Once Upon a Time back. I just LOVE that show, more for seeing what they do with the fairytales, than the actual characters, but its all good.

Parenthood was good this week. I found myself actually feeling bad for Haddie....which is odd, since I don't like her much, but she deserved sympathy in this week's ep. I don't know why, but I found the scenes with Sarah and baby Nora odd....not bad, just weird. Found myself not caring much about the Crosby nothing different there....
Yay for Kristina going back to work, and getting something else to do.

Glee overall was good. The Puck and Shelby stuff still weirds me out....and Idina's song wasn't great this week...which was a pity, cause I actually liked all the other songs. Yay for The Beast! I liked her storyline...also cause it gave Emma a bit more to do....Emma really needs more going on.

Raising Hope was back on track this week. I enjoyed it muchly. The New Girl, however, is losing me more and more...yet I feel I can't quit it....and I don't know why.

Good stuff coming up later in the week. Can't wait for Katie Finneran's new show tomorrow!


Monday 21 November 2011

Friday Night TV Madness

So because I was out Thursday night I was a day behind on my tv. But since I was A) pathetic & B) exhausted, I had no plans Friday night and was able to use that time to catch up. The Friday shows took ages to download, so while that was annoying, it made it easier.

Suburgatory was quite good. Ana was a bit scary, but in a good way. Lol. -I really liked Tessa's party dress!
Modern Family was ok, but I think I've stopped caring about that show. Its just not as funny anymore.
Revenge was pretty good, glad it was back again. And wow, Ringer just keeps getting more and more twisted. I love it!
Bones was good. Nice to see Daisy in it again. I thought I didn't like her, but she's pretty entertaining.
Community was very lame. I didn't care for the ep at all. -Gotta say that Jeff dressed up as The Dean, I swore he looked just like David Cross from Arrested Development.

Parks and Recs. SOOOOOO good. But I must have been tired, cause the stuff with Leslie and Ben at the end made me cry....and then very very happy!!!!
I gotta say, I know Amy Poehler is funny as heck, but she has really nailed the dramatic stuff this season!!!!
And YAY for Ann, and decent Ann too! When did Ron become Andy's dad?

Private Practice took its time downloading, and so I didn't get to watch it till Saturday lunchtime. But it was SOOO worth the wait. The first hour was awesome, the intervention thing was done really well. Caterina Scorsone did a fantastic job. I also thought it was good to see Charlotte's reactions to things, like not voting on giving Amelia drugs and knowing that she was lying through her teeth - given her drug history and friendship with Amelia!
It was good to finally see Addison step up and take a little responsibility for Amelia. It really was Addison, Charlotte...and apparently Sheldon's place to take on they are the only ones that were friendly, but it was good the others were there to allied front is always good. -I still think it sucks that they never called Amelia's mother and brother in...maybe in the future.
-Sheldon is starting to freak me out...he's old enough to be Amelia's father, so any relationship there is just he's already been with Violet and big of an office slut is he?!

There were a few funny moments, like Amelia chanting for drugs, the riddler convo, and Violet and Pete cracking up on the kitchen floor.

The 2nd half was good, but a little Violet and Addy being friends...its seems weird. Plus Charlotte is now on the outside. -I miss Violet and Charlotte with martinis.
Violet and Pete make me sad. I wish they'd get over their crap....cause they can't split...that'd ruin the show!
Cooper missing his kid's play was soooo predictable...poor Charlotte having to go without Cooper and sit in the front row...(still funny picturing Charlotte King playing video games...). I liked Charlotte's crack at Addison "10 miles of bad road" (whatever the heck that means), and Violet telling her was a nice little flashback to the good old days....when Charlotte had spunk.

I guess its good that Jake got a little more backstory, a convenient tie-in too. But I just don't like him. I miss Naomi. Something feels wrong this season...and it can't be just that Naomi is gone, cause she was never there that much anyways....I'm still thrown by the fact that its been 9 eps and Char and Coop haven't mentioned sex once....what happened to these people?! lol more thing....did they actually celebrate a holiday/event in PPP?! They've never even referenced holidays before...and also....since when can Addison cook?! But it was still nice.


Thursday 17 November 2011

Tuesday Gold

So I wasn't expecting anything from Glee this season, but I have to admit I loved this weeks ep! I'd say the fact that Idina was all over it AND sang might play part in that. I enjoyed the songs too. But made me miss Rock of Ages more. I liked the stuff with Santana, and even the Rachel stuff. I just wish every ep could be good, instead of so hit and miss.

Parenthood was awesome! I loved the stuff with Sydney. So funny! The stuff with Max and those boys was sad, but funny when Kristina told them off.
And yay for more Drew stuff! I saw the Adam and that girl thing coming mile away, and didn't like it.

Raising Hope was great too. I like when Sabrina gets more to do. She cracks me up. I still don't think it's as good as last season, but this ep was much closer to it.

Even The New Girl was kinda good this week. It's still not great, but it had a few good moments this week....even if Justin Long's character was a little weird, but it was still funny.

Haven't watched anything tonight, since I had other plans, but I'll try and catch up tomorrow as much as I can. Gotta get through all the Thursday stuff too. Can't wait for 2 hour PPP...even if it is all we get till  next year. :(


Monday 14 November 2011

A Little Magic

Monday nights are filled with magic and nostalgia. I'm in love with Once Upon a Time and Pan Am.  Once Upon a Time wins me over with all the fairy stories. I love seeing how they interpret them and work them into this one fairytale world. The mixing of Cinderella and Rumpelstiltskin was interesting...not sure how I feel about that, but it worked. Looking forward to seeing what else they come up with. -I'm such a Disney freak, that it just makes me feel happy. -I also love that some of my fave Buffy writers/directors are on board.

Pan Am makes me wish that flying was still such a luxury and a rarity. But today's flights are a LONG way from the glamour of Pan Am. But that said...after this week's ep, I'm glad for modern advances in terms of medical stuff...eek. I loved the Haiti stuff, it was all very topical, and dramatic. The stuff with Kate and that man Henry was sooo sad.  And the stuff with Collette and Dean. I really REALLY like them as a couple.
-Also gotta mention that I love that so many of my ER writers/directors are involved.

I love starting my week with a little magic. Can't wait for more episodes!


Sunday 13 November 2011

On a High Note

So overall I enjoyed this weeks tv muchly....except for Glee. -Okay it wasn't terrible, there were some good bits. I did like that Emma and Beast had some storylines. I liked that Mr Schue was barely in it. I also liked the intergration of the West Side Story music into the rest of the plot - it was pretty much a West Side Story ep, but much less IN YOUR FACE.  I missed Idina. -But it worries me just how few characters I even like anymore. I don't really like any of the kids...cept for Kurt. Rachel, while annoying, is actually consistent...and less in your face this season.

Parenthood was sooo good this week...the stuff with Seth and Amber made me cry! Poor Amber. I knew Seth was going to be trouble...oh Sarah...
As far as the other storylines...I'm pretty bored with the Crosby and Jasmine stuff...Dr Joe annoys me.  The Kristina stuff was ok, the new secretary was an old story though. BORING.
I liked Zeke having 'The Fever'...but he should just let Adam have it...he does it MUCH better.

I'm officially all caught up with Ringer. I've actually come to really enjoy it. It just gets twistier and twistier. I am liking that Juliet girl...she's interesting.

ALL the Thursday tv was good. Parks and Rec was hilarious, yet all the Leslie and Ben stuff still made me sad. -I did love the ref to Mighty Ducks 2 by Andy.  Oh and I LOVED that Ann got to do more this week!
Community's weird musical thing was weird, but good. And I couldn't help "awwing" for the little puppet show Abed and Troy put on for Annie.
Bones was good. Lots of good Booth and Brennan stuff. New Squintern is interesting...the stuff with Hodgins was both funny, and weird...and kinda mean. -The snake was kinda cool too...

Grey's was awesome! Sadly that's the last ep for this year :( But what an ep. Poor Henry....he was a gonna from the start. And poor Teddy, they shouldn't have lied to her, but it was necessary for the sake of her patient. I didn't quite get the whole Ambulance breaking down thing...and it didn't explode like they said it would....but for a few seconds there it was scary!  Poor Mer and Der...they need baby Zola back.

Private Practice was good this week. Finally a good Charlotte ep -I realise that whethe or not there is good Charlotte stuff is not the same as A good ep, but there WAS good Charlotte stuff in addition to other good stuff. I liked that Charlotte got to do fun stuff -like making fun of the cupcakes and playing wii tennis with Mason, in addition to the trying to stop Amelia from taking prescription pads. -Which speaking of...I gotta mention that when Amelia started pushing Charlotte....I found myself wondering who would win in a fight between those two...I can't decide.
They were right, this ep WAS funny. I loved Sheldon and the cupcakes. I loved the codeword 'tacos' when discussing Amelia in front of Mason. I loved the end with Char and Coop playing with Mason - always said Charlotte would be better with an older kid...-Violet's the only one who hasn't met him...which seems odd...
And its official, Char and Coop need a house. Or at least a bigger apartment. Mason can't sleep on the couch all the time when he visits.
Poor Amelia...oh and yay for Addison finally stepping in! -The stuff with Amelia's story is soooo sad, and when she moved from pills onto the hard stuff....ugh, it hurt. -Can't wait for next week's 2 hour double ep! -PPP has never done a 2 hour ep before. -Caterina Scorsone is rocking it this season!
-oh and points for referencing Violet and Cooper's fave show American Bakeoff!


Sunday 6 November 2011

The TV Has Returned!

So all the FOX shows were back this week, as was Parenthood.

Tuesday night saw a good ep of Parenthood, but I am SO over Jasmine. She needs to go or get back with Crosby.
Poor crazy Kristina, it's not too much to ask for a little bit of family time is it?
Still loving the adorableness that is Mark and Sarah. Pity it's not going to last.

Enjoyed Raising Hope, but I still don't know if it's up to the quality of last yeah. A least Shelly was back in it this week. There is not enough Sabrina either.
Still on the fence with The New Girl. I liked this ep better, but it's still not great.
Glee was also not great this week. The songs were meh and the stories were annoying. Yay for Idina, but that thing with Shelby and Puck was semi icky.

Liked Revenge this week, having the real Emily Thorne turn up was interesting. Looking forward to where that goes. Also, Declan is annoying and stupid.

Modern Family, Up All Night and Suburgatory were ok, but not great. - Community also sucked.

Parks and Rec was good, yay for Ann (all 5 seconds of her) - and Ann and Leslie at that! But the stuff with Leslie and Ben just makes me sad. Which is odd for a comedy. But they are just too cute together.

Bones is back baby! Plenty of cute stuff, especially the scene with Angela, Hodgins, Cam and the baby. Adorable! Booth and Bones as a couple is weird, but good. I'll adjust.

Grey's was good this week, I really enjoyed the Heart in a Box/Magic 8 Ball thing, it made for good Christina stuff. The whole Mrs O'Malley turning up was kinda strange, but good. I liked the reminiscing about George -which doesn't happen a lot when characters die/leave. -Points for mentioning Izzie once. Mark and Jackson's Bromance is too funny. I am really enjoying the Mark stuff lately, he's more interesting when he has no life.

PPP was good, but weird. It worries me when Addison is leading the comedy and light hearted storylines. Amelia had entertaining stuff...including waking up the stranger in her bed. But the rest of it was a downer. Charlotte's flashbacks to the origin of her pill problem was kinda strange, and not just because of the REALLY bad dark wig they had on her. Anyone remember when Charlotte was fun? I miss building a bathroom Charlotte, and dress up in crazy outfits Charlotte. -And can Addison even acknowledge Amelia already?!  Speaking of....the whole Sam helping pick out the sperm donor is just wrong on SO many levels. Sorry Sam, you gotta go!

And that concludes last week's tv. Tomorrow will bring a whole new lot of awesomeness and probably some crappiness too.


Sunday 30 October 2011

Halloween Week

So there have been a few Halloween themed eps this week, some good some bad.
Parks and Rec was adorable this week, Andy and April had a Halloween party, and Leslie and Tom were off doing work stuff, but it ended cute. -Also Ann got to do more which was fun. I have no idea what is going on with Ann...are they phasing her out?!
Community also had a good Halloween ep. It was really weird and in some placed dumb, but I enjoyed the 'ghost stories'.

Grey's had the whole group playing Softball....for some weird reason, but it made for plenty of cute/silly moments. -I loved Meredith getting drunk....the fighting with Bailey was both good and just felt wrong somehow...I know Mer did wrong, but Bailey is less fun when she's angry all the time.
Yay for more Scott Foley....and also time outside the hospital....overall he's pretty useless though...they never spend much time on him and Teddy alone...they always seem to be with other characters.   -Yay for Christina graduating from the Teddy school of surgery - yay she learned something!!!

The PPP was good this week, but really sad. Yay for Amelia getting a big storyline, even if it was really sad and depressing. Addison found the funny, which makes me glad. I used to find her funny, but she's been annoying lately, but her doped up with hormones made for entertaining stuff...especially the scene with the doughnut-holes. Cooper's kid storyline is still not fun, but hopefully should get better will be fun to see Charlotte deal with a kid. -Speaking of, VERY light Char ep this week, she had 1 proper scene and one ER scene which doesn't really count. Also I miss Char and Cooper, they lost the funny again, they need to bring that back PRONTO!   -I'm glad Pete is being nicer to Violet. His bad attitude was getting old.
-Oh and I liked the call backs - Pete and Joel Grey's character from season 2, and Naomi and her food.

A few other shows weren't on this week. No Up All Night, no Modern Family, no Parenthood. And still no Fox shows. But luckily they'll be back next week and they're bringing Bones with them!

Revenge wasn't as good this week, hope it gets back to being good...cause that'll suck if it goes bad.  Pan Am is still great, but hasn't been picked up yet...which is a worry. 

Once Upon a Time started this week. It's really weird, which makes me think it won't last. It's quite out there. I don't know if I like it yet, but I didn't hate the fact it gave me a happy feeling.

I'm still catching up on Ringer and Unforgettable. Which doesn't bode well that I don't LOVE them but I'm still giving them a chance.
I started season 3 of 90210 on dvd, so I'm trying to get through that when I can. There is never enough time for all the TV.


Sunday 23 October 2011

A TV-Palooza

So this week I've powered through a few shows, with less nights out and less on tv making it possible to fit more into my tv week.

Parenthood was good this week -as usual. I liked that it was mostly all about the adults, its refreshing. But I'm not liking the Seth storyline - mostly cause I am sure it will be the end of Jason Ritter's character - Mark and Sarah are doomed! Drew and his girlfriend are adorable, and yay for Drew getting his own storyline...finally making up for the lack of Drew in seasons 1 and 2! BIG yay for Joel standing up for Sarah to Zeke. Who knew he had it in him!!!!
I found the Cee Lo thing annoying. But it worked for the storyline I guess.

Finally got around to watching last weekend's SNL. Overall it sucked, it wasn't that Anna Faris was a bad host, but the sketches were kinda boring. The only one I really liked was the one with the girls singing!

I got around to the second ep of Revenge earlier this week, and had watched 3, 4 and 5 by Friday night! I'm hooked! Its a great show, and I'm glad Emily VanCamp got her own show, they never did enough with her in Brothers & Sisters in the end. Madeleine Stowe is both awesome and scary as Victoria...who knows what she's got going on. -I'll have to thank Vicky for telling me it was good, and getting me interested to watch it in the first place, as by the preview it looked terrible....go figure!

I'm worried about Downton Abbey. It's becoming way too soapy for my liking. But I'll keep watching for now. Making Matthew unable to walk could get really boring after a little while.

This week's Modern Family wasn't bad, maybe it was the no Lily that made it better.
Suburgatory was weird this week. I love when they have lots of Ana Gasteyer, but the scene where she kept saying 'Wicked' messed with my head - Ana being one of Broadway's Elphie's.
Up All Night's flashback ep to Amy's birth was good. But I hope they don't do stuff like that too much cause it might get old, and mess with my timeline of the show.

Finally finished the special features of Parks & Recreation season 2. But I've got a whole stack of dvds I need to start watching that I ordered from Amazon a while ago! Raising Hope arrived last week, I'd totally forgotten about it, but it's going to the bottom of the list.

Grey's Anatomy was pretty boring this week....why is Meredith delivering babies?! If she's gonna play with babies, she should at least be doing surgery on them - Addison Montgomery style! -Also the pink scrubs did not suit her!   April found a more authoritative tone for her voice...necessary I guess. Alex is being a complete doush! I used to like him, but now he's just mean and awful to everyone.   The only part of the ep I really liked was Mark and Arizona going cooking crazy! Who knew Mark would end up being my fave male character on that show?!
-I'm wondering when they'll get around to a crossover ep with the PPP...maybe Derek can come visit his little sis....and yell at her for drinking again. Addy is clearly not taking care of her properly.

Speaking off....Addison and her baby thing just gets more and more annoying. I'm all for Addy having a kid, but can she just end it with Sam already...that's just stupid.   This week's ep was lacking in Amelia, but at least Charlotte got to do a bit more than glare. I still don't like this new Cooper storyline...At least someone finally did a paternity test....guess the kid is sticking around I wanted a Charlotte and Cooper baby -which I imagine either won't happen, or will be a long while off. It was so sad when Coop was getting all excited while telling Charlotte...a little tact might have been nice, it seemed like he was rubbing it in. The phrase 'Poor Charlotte' came to mind many many times during this ep. - And talk about waiting...they've been married a few months and he needs a kid already...seriously Coop....IDIOT.
-Also points for using the phrase "Mini Cooper".
Meanwhile, Pete is becoming extremely unlikeable. He's being an ass. He needs a shrink that ISN'T Sheldon! Sheldon needs a vacation from these people!!! Last year he was helping Char and Coop, now its Violet and Pete.     
Oh and can we talk about the renaming of the practice, Seaside Health and Wellness....terrible terrible name, but crazier still, is that they kept the same logo, just redid the name....why even bother?! -Also they gossip so bad, they clearly learned nothing from last season. -And can Violet get her job back already?!


Sunday 16 October 2011

Extreme TV!

So this week I've found myself watching more tv than usual....although since the FOX shows are off till November, I do have a little more time.

Highlights of this week.

Parenthood - Seth came back drunk and is gonna cause trouble for Sarah and Mark, which sucks cause they are so cute! I found great amusement in Seth calling Mark 'Captain Morgan'. But the funniest moment was when Adam came out dressed in his street gear....I almost couldn't stop myself from laughing to keep watching!
Amber was enlisted to help Max understand apologies. And Kristina FINALLY had her baby! But Nora is a weird name and I don't like it. - Oh and that coffee girl decided to give Julia her baby!

Suburgatory was excellent this week! Plenty of Ana Gastyer which made for plenty of hilarity. Jeremy Sisto is starting to become more believable to me as a dad too which is helping. And yay for it getting a full season pickup!

Grey's was good..ish. Oh Lexie come back already! But yay for bringing baby Zola back...even if she was just a patient. But the stuff with her was toooo cute. -I'm gonna go ahead and assume that Mer and Der are gonna get her back...cause otherwise bringing her back is just a tease. Get on with it!!!!
Poor April....she needs to learn to filter her facebook apparently...eek. Jackson's mom was a bit scary, but not nearly as bad as Ellis Grey! Yay for Scott Foley! But give him more than 1 little scene...boring. And yay for Bailey breaking up with that nurse guy...he was ANNOYING! This ep was rather Callie light too, which was dissapointing after an all boys ep. But overall good ep.

PPP was good this week, much more enjoyable than last week. However...that ending did not please me. I'm not sure I'm liking where this Cooper/Charlotte storyline is going...but I guess I have to trust the writers. I love that Jake has become the guru for the guys. -His office is huge...apparently that floor has had a complete remodel, with Sheldon also getting a new, smaller office. -Gotta mention the big round window outside Jake's office - did OWG just become the Morgue from Crossing Jordan?!
I also found it odd that they were hanging out in the 'coffee/lounge' area...was the kitchen being cleaned?!
Yay for Amelia having good storylines. Michaela Watkins is hilarious. I miss her on SNL! Sheldon is spending all his time helping Pete and keeping an eye on Amelia who is fighting with Charlotte. - I got a kick out of Charlotte calling herself "The Wicked Witch of St Ambrose"...while wearing a green dress.... I hope those two make up soon.
Also in this episode...we learned Violet is not allowed to be amongst the people...I hope she gets her license back soon, or poor Lucas is going to have an even crazier mom!  And...Addison was there...oh yeah, she and Violet are now 'friends' as opposed to whatever they were before....I dunno it was weird. I miss Naomi! She balanced the girls better.
-Odd note....if that kid Mason is in fact Cooper's son....his next kid will have to be called Thatcher or Hunter or something...

Community was also great this week. I hate that that show is so hit and miss. For every golden ep, they have at least 2 bad ones.  But the different timelines was excellent! But I find it interesting that everyone has more fun and gets along better without Jeff around.

Parks and Recs was good, but what the heck is going on with Ann?! They hardly do anything with her anymore...and are she and Leslie even friends anymore? Cause you wouldn't know it with the way they seem to ignore each other! I LOVED Ben buying the Batman suit! Too funny!

I also watched some new shows last night. Finally got around to trying out hour long shows. I watched Revenge which was really good!!! I also watched Pan Am which was good, but not great. I'll try to get around to Unforgettable and A Gifted Man if I can find the time!


Sunday 9 October 2011

TV Triumphs and Fails

So this week was the first cancellation of shows that I was watching. Free Agents with Kathryn Hahn got the axe. I'm okay with that, I liked it, but thought it really should have been a lot better. So at least that's one less show to watch each week.

Parenthood was great this week, with Max and Jabbar fighting over Max making him sit with him at lunch. Good storyline. I also like Drew and his girlfriend, cause its so adorable. And yay for more Sarah and Mr Cyr....or whatever his real name is. I could have lived without the Zeke storyline though...ick

I loved the Grey's 'Boys ep'. It actually worked really well. Although the fact that they all spent most of the ep building Derek's deck was a little odd. But Sloan and Derek fighting over Avery...and the Chief (cause he will always be The Chief) helping out Alex with an excuse for being late....were pretty funny. Overall I didn't hate it at all, like I thought I would.
-Oh and Sloan letting baby Sofia role off the couch and under the table was kinda hilarious. And that geek being in love with April was adorable...till she didn't know of Hobbits.

PPP was okay, but not as fun as the 1st ep of the season. Cooper was being stupid! How many times is he going to get into trouble?! - But I did like the little call-backs with his attempts at Charlotte's password. He's lucky Charlotte is a good problem solver, otherwise her job could have been on the line!
Amelia has apparently moved into Addison's house and Addison has moved in with I guess that's one way of saving on sets. Amelia is sober, she's gonna get to cut....and so now she's drinking again....Boo. Bad Amelia. And Poor Violet...she's stuck - not being able to work and dealing with a grumpy Pete.
Still not loving Pineapple Guy...or Fiji Guy as I think we are now calling him. Maybe he'll grow on me. I'll try to like him better. -I think my fave scene of the ep was Violet and Sheldon gossiping about him and Addy.
-I also forgot to mention that it was weird watching last week's season premiere without Ness...since we have watched the last 3 season prems together. - not to mention pretty much all the eps from the 2nd half of last season. But I'd adjusted by this week.

P-Rex was hilarious as usual. I loved that Leslie was born in Eagleton....but I saw that coming the second they said she wasn't born in Pawnee....Chris Pratt was hilarious!!!!!!
Community was weird this week...too much Chang...and it was super creepy!
Modern Family was good, but Cam and Mitchell's storylines are getting annoying.
Up All Night was good again this week. I'm definitely loving the show, but would probably still okay if it got canned.
There were also 2 eps of Raising Hope this week for some reason. The Tuesday ep was a bit meh, but the Wednesday ep was awesome! I love Sabrina!
Oh and Melissa McCarthy was HILARIOUS on SNL! Loved it!


Wednesday 5 October 2011

Glee - Good or Bad?

3 Episodes into the 3rd season, and I still have no idea whether I still like this show or not!

Things I Like:
  • Plenty of Emma! Including character development!
  • Less Rachel. I enjoyed the quote from Mercedes about it being the Rachel Berry show! I'm so sick of her, so I'm enjoying having songs and stories about the others.
  • Idina being back. Although she was kinda wasted in the last ep.
  • I like that they are starting to bring back the group songs, with lines for almost everyone! - That's part of what I loved about season 1. Group songs are better than solo after solo.

Things I Don't Like:
  • Quinn's new 'tude...BORING!
  • Sue....she may as well be gone...they ruined her character too early, and now she's just annoying when she's being evil...ish
  • Too much Britney...sorry but I miss the days when she was just quirky and didn't sing so much...they autotune her and it sounds awfully fake.

Well I guess time will tell as to whether the show is still worth watching. But for now, I cannot quit...not while Idina is around anyways.- Damn my dedication!


Monday 3 October 2011

Thursday Nights Are Alright!

So I'm so happy to have my Thursday (Friday, Aussie time) night tv back! Grey's Anatomy's 2 hour season premiere was awesome. So Meredith went crazy...and hid the very very super adorable baby Zola when the social worker was onto the fact that Meredith and Derek were separated. Alex helped...and seems to have sorta smoothed things over with the gang. Oh and there was a giant hole in the ground! That was cool.

Community is still weird, but likeable. There's always something that's entertaining about it. -And so far there is plenty of Annie, which I like! Last week's ep with Britta in the cage was HI-larious! I couldn't stop laughing!

Having been watching seasons 1 and 2 of Parks and Recreation on dvd over the break, I was a little unsure how how things ended last season...but I quickly got back up to speed. The scenes with Ben and Leslie were toooo cute....I really like them as a couple! I hope they don't keep them apart!

Private Practice was back last week. FINALLY! I was going crazy...luckily I had season 4 to keep me sane. I finished the last ep before watching the first ep of season 5 -which I LOVED by the way! Charlotte was being very cute...she found the funny again! Amelia cracks me up, even when she's drunk and bleeding! Awesome! I liked the refs to the last 2 season finales with death and tragedy for the gang...and it was refreshing for Addison to not be responsible for saving any lives for once! She just got to hang with the cutest little boy on tv Lucas. -I totally have a baby crush on him! Poor Cooper...bad doctoring Sam...look around before yelling CLEAR! Oh yeah and Pete is okay...but we knew that'd work out.
-So overall I didn't miss Naomi at all....which is a little sad. Benjamin Bratt's character turned up right at the end....and I gotta say, I'm not on board with him yet. Especially since he's jumping into the middle of the credits, between Tim and Paul, in my book that's not so cool, to get higher billing than characters that have been there 4 seasons already! But maybe Shonda will make me love him! Who knows, but so far season 5 is off to a great start!

In other non-Thursday night tv news - I gotta talk about the Weeds finale....cause ooooo that was an awesome way to end it. It works as a series finale, or as a season finale....its about time someone tried to blow away Nancy. She's getting to big for her boots!
Oh and also....The Big C finale! I sorta saw the end coming, but when it clicked right at the end...I burst into tears! It was so sad. Enough with the ultra sad season finales!!!!

Ep 2 of The New Girl wasn't much better...I hate to admit that I don't think I'll be able to love that show. I do love Free Agents - which means it'll get the axe...but its not THAT good, that I would be overly upset. Up All Night was better last week too! But way too many SNL people for 1 ep!
Modern Family is a bit bleh these days. Its lost something....
I watched the first ep of Suburgatory - its not terrible, and could be good. We'll see.
I also thought the season premiere of SNL with Alec Baldwin wasn't THAT great, and wasn't that funny overall.
Idina Menzel was back in Glee last week - that was awesome, but I'm still not sure about Glee as a whole. It could go either way at this point.
And lastly, I got a major kick out of all the short jokes in last week's ep of Raising Hope! I do love that show to pieces!


Thursday 22 September 2011


Some of the shows started up last week, and some started this week...and some don't start till next week, but its all coming back now and I'm feeling good.

Parenthood started back last week...and there were some HILARIOUS dancing scenes. They brought back Adam and 'the fever'. They've also brought back Jason Ritter, who I just love, and him and Lauren have really good chemistry!

Yesterday I watched new Glee and Raising Hope (and Parenthood and The Big C) on my fancy new WD TV live media player...which is SO awesome. Got it last weekend, and it plays everything...even the stuff I download off youtube! It'd be fun to watch Puppy Love on the big screen!
I was worried about Raising Hope being less good now that Hope was growing up...but she's still pretty cute. The ep wasn't great, but still good, and I bet will get better.

I'm not sure what to make of Glee. I was prepared to hate it. But I was impressed with all the Emma...which I'm taking to mean - that's all we get for the whole season. Rachel is still kinda annoying, but overall I didn't HATE it. The songs were kinda cool, and there may be hope yet. I dunno...I won't call it quits just yet - Idina Menzel will be back in it next week, so I have NO CHOICE but to keep watching for now anyways.

Modern Family started out okay, the holiday to Wyoming was weird, but entertaining. New grown up Lily is both cute and freaky at the same time...which worries me. But at least she has expressions! We'll see how things go.

Then there are the new shows.

The New Girl - Not sure about it. I love Zooey, but her character seems like she could get annoying on a weekly basis. But I'll keep watching.

Up All Night - I loved the pilot. Ep 2 was not as good, but there were plenty of laughs to be had still. Maya Rudolph is AWESOME! (duh!)

Free Agents - I know I should kinda hate it, but I LOVE it. It makes me laugh. Kathryn Hahn is hilarious! The others are pretty funny. Hank Azaria is great too! Anthony Stewart Head weirds me out though.

Tomorrow sees the return of P-Rex, Community and Grey's Anatomy with a 2 hour no PPP till next week, but I'll cope. -Season 4 arrived today!


Wednesday 21 September 2011

Emmys 2011 Verdict

Well I wasn't that excited for this years Emmys I must say. I wasn't sure about Jane Lynch hosting....but she was actually pretty good...and WAY better than the last time FOX hosted them - anybody remember that round stage with the people sitting ON the stage itself? TERRIBLE! But I would have rathered had Jimmy again.

My fave fave fave part was the Lead Actress in a Comedy pageant! When Amy Poehler rushed up on stage, I almost died of laughter! And then when the rest of them got was just pure awesomeness! I would have loved any of them to win...I am SO glad that Melissa McCarthy (or Sookie St James as she will always be to me) won....I love her, even though I don't watch her show....but I kinda wanted Amy Poehler to have her turn! Maybe some day she will win. I also was rooting for Martha Plimpton, but she'll get more chances...just look at Kristin Chenoweth!!!
-Also I totally vote that those 6 ladies host next year's Emmy's. They'd be unstoppable!

I feel bad for the people in the categories with Maggie Smith and Martin Scorsese...your odds are pretty damm slim! 

I was also excited to have such a large SNL presence at the emmys. Kristen, Seth, Andy and Lonely Island, Lorne, Jimmy, Amy and Tina....its weird seeing Seth out and about now...and getting interviewed on the red carpet.

While I have been grizzling about the PPP and Parenthood not being recognized this year - when they really really deserved to be, I did give them points for at least including them in their drama show clips - PPP especially, cause it never gets as much attention.

As for the Red Carpet - I wasn't stunned by any of the dresses particularly...nobody really stood out this year.
My faves are all just people I thought looked really nice. Aubrey Plaza looked really pretty all dressed up...she cleans up nice when she's not April. Jayma Mays looked really nice too. I even thought Amy Poehler looked good in her blue number...or maybe there's something wrong with me. -Oh and I was disappointed in Dianna Agron this year, she's normally one I LOVE for fashion, but she still looked nice.

The interviews all sucked too, except for every Amy Poehler and Will Arnet one! Those two should have a talk show someday...or you an awards show.

So overall....yay for the Modern Family awards! yay for Julie and Ty...I loved that Phil and Claire got awards...and that the show won. Yay for Mad Men...but maybe next year a different show will win, starting to get sick of those two hogging all the awards!

That is all.


Sunday 18 September 2011

Bones - A New Obsession

Well, that's it. I am now officially up to date with Bones. Ness and I started it back in Feb or March, and we finished season 6 last Saturday. I wasn't sure going into it that I would like the show in its entireity, having only watched a couple of eps overseas. I was quickly in love with the characters and the crazy murders/deaths that seem to happen week to week. I became inpatient in having to wait for more, and became more at risk for spoilers. But that said, now that I'm all up to date the only spoilers I knew were 1) that Zack was bad but not a single specific, 2) that Angela had a kid -I was holding onto hope that Hodgins was the father - I really might have to add those two to my fave couple list, and oh yeah 3) that at some point there was a Booth/Bones baby...but I always thought that was one of their hypothetical/dream sequence imagine my shock/surprise when it turned out that Booth and Brennan had actually slept together!!! I'm glad they actually put them together though...because it was getting to a point of if they drag it out too much longer, its not meant to be....but we'll see how starting out with a baby will work. I'm slightly worried, but I trust the writers - and that's not always the case, but the Bones writers seem to be fairly consistent and true to their characters.

Oh and can we talk about poor Mr Nigel Murray?! That was so sad and mean to kill him. -Glad I didn't pick a fave Squintern. But I guess Mr Nigel Murray and Wendell would top the list....cause Daisy annoys me, and the other two are boring.

Got not a whole lot else to add, only that Cam is winner of the inappropriate work attire costume....with Amelia Shepherd as a close 2nd. -I mean have you see how tight Cam's clothes are? and how high her heels are?!

Oh and Emily might have taken 1st place over Zooey for my fave Deschanel sister.

So far I'm handling the wait till new episodes...but I think its going to be really hard to deal with only 1 ep per week, when I'm so used to watching 4 to 7 eps in one sitting! Also....its 1 more Thursday/Friday show to fit into my schedule!


Tuesday 6 September 2011

Mis-Matched TV

So my tv viewing is all over the place lately! I haven't watched any more SNL -its taking too long to get. But I do have a couple lined up now from season 30. I finally got around to watching that John Adams mini series with Paul Giamatti and Laura Linney. I only got the first one at first, in case I didn't like it. But I loved it, so I got the rest. I watched the first one last Monday, decided to not watch any on Tuesday since I had The Big C to watch, and thought that'd be too much Laura Linney for one day. I finished the last 2 eps last night...the last one made me's pretty sad....but then again I huge sap! Such a great series!

Rizzoli and Isles was great last week. I LOVED the stuff with Jane's mother - as crazy as that is. But the sound was messed up and out of sync for most of the ep which was annoying. This week's ep was good, plenty of crazy Jane stuff. -But I just can't STAND Ed Beagley Jnr.....He drives me nuts!

I started watching Parenthood season 1 again the other week - I was going to keep going with Alias commentaries, but the disc wasn't playing nice, so I had to come up with something else...and that took my fancy. I can't wait till the new season in a week!!!!

Last saturday I finally got around to watching those last season 2 Alias commentaries. I had forgotten that they were good cast ones! Bradley Cooper was such a fanboy of his own show. -adorably weird! Eventually I'll get through all of them. -I also have a bunch of movies I need to get around to watching at some point! But I haven't had any time for tv lately, with working every day and spending my weekends out or busy with stuff.
I can't even remember when the Emmys are, or who is nominated! -not that I am really that excited for them this year.

I also have season 2 of Parks and Rec to start next. Ness picked it up for me at Big W cause it was on sale. I had a policy to not spend more than $20 for a whole season of a half hour show. I also just ordered a whole bunch of dvds from Amazon, S4 of PPP, Raising Hope, Wonderfalls, seasons 1 & 2 of IPS, and 3 and 4 of 90210.

Ness and I are almost done with season 6 of Bones...which means I'll be up to date for next season. YAY!  But it'll be sad no to have so many eps to watch at once anymore. I can't believe I used to think I wouldn't like that show! But then again, I used to think I wouldn't like David Boreanaz on anything other that Buffy/Angel...I was wrong. I've fallen in love with the show! And the actors! Also best of all, I don't really know any spoilers and haven't through the whole thing. -Cept for Angela and Hodgin's baby, I didn't know anything. I mean there is something else that has come up, but I have no idea what the heck that means so it doesn't really count at all. I mean, I AM asking for trouble by following the guys on twitter, but soon it won't matter.

Also I've got to hurry up and get my media player soon. Especially cause I want to be able to watch the premiere of Grey's, and all my Friday shows on the big tv on Friday nights if I'm home.

Well that should be everything, hopefully I'll be able to be more regular with my blogging.


Wednesday 24 August 2011

Summer TV is Almost Over!

I'm starting to get a little sick of my summer TV! It's all on 1 day, then nothing for the rest of the week! I mean yes, I am LOVING Rizzoli and Isles - last week's ep was awesome especially the ye olde costumes, that was TOO funny! This week's ep about witches was pretty good too, if not just for the cute little bit when Jane answered her phone 'Rizzoli' and Maura added "and Isles". But what is with Korsak and the animals? Last week birds, this week cats!

I like Weeds, but sometimes I could take it or leave it. The same goes for The Big C. I've been watching some quality SNL, but even that gets boring after a while. Otherwise I'm only watching Hot in Cleveland...which really sucks, and if I had better stuff to watch I wouldn't even bother!

I'm dying for my regular season shows back. Where there is more variety and they are more spread out over the week! Less than a month till Parenthood comes back. YAY! I'm most looking forward to Parenthood, Parks and Recreation and Private Practice coming back...and Grey's Anatomy too, to a slightly lesser degree. And I LOVED last season of Raising Hope, but I hope the 2nd season can keep up the quality standard of the first season. -The girls that play Hope are growing up and might not be as cute. Hah, but at least that's not what is holding up the whole show.
Speaking of TV babies it looks like plenty more Lucas this year on the PPP - but its all with Addison kidnapping him?! hah. I've also been trying to be good and not reading about spoilers and storylines for all the shows. But I did make the mistake of reading 1 PPP storyline and now wishing I hadn't...cause while it didn't really give away much, its not at all specific and that leaves many potential ways things could turn out...and its gonna bug me now! -Still a month till that comes back too! Cause Grey's is getting a 2 hour premiere...which I'm sure will be awesome!

I don't even have any dvds to watch...I'm watching Alias commentaries, but thats not time consuming and I just watch them here and there.


Tuesday 9 August 2011

TV Catch-Up

It's been a while since I've written about my TV. Its still summer tv season, so there isn't as much to watch and so not as much to write about. -The Emmy noms came out, and at least 1 of my 3 got nominated. Yay for Martha Plimpton for Raising Hope. But I still think KaDee Strickland was robbed for PPP! I mean if that didn't get her a nomination, what does it take?! I feel bad that everyone was talking her up, as being a potential nominatee. And Parenthood seems to be in the same group with PPP, not getting any big awards attention - but at least they both get some special awards for stuff that really matters.

Last Monday night I watched the Helpman Awards - Australia's version of the Tony's. It had plenty of good parts, but overall was boring as I only cared about the musical awards and spent most of the the time sitting on YouTube. It also went for ages so I ran out of time to watch In Plain Sight. So then that ate into my tv time Tuesday night. I ended up not watching Weeds and The Big C till Wednesday, but that actually worked out nicely. Other than those shows (and Rizzoli & Isles on Tuesdays), that is all the new TV I have. I have been watching some old SNL. I watched the Queen Latifah one from season 30 Sunday night. Its fun watching ones with Tina, Maya, Amy and Rachel in them.
And then when I'm REALLY bored or only have a little time, I've been watching Hot In Cleveland. It sucks, but not enough to stop me watching ...YET.

I've been watching the 1st season of Parks and Recreation on DVD. Luckily I finished it before I got this job -The same goes for Alias actually! I just finished the commentaries for P-Rex this past weekend. Overall the dvds are great especially for 8 bucks! The commentaries are great and with cast members. There are also music vids for Mouse Rat/Andy's songs. The Ann one is all cute Amy and Rashida bloopers/alternate takes. I really want season 2, but I'll wait for it to get cheap...I have principles. Not that 25 bucks is expensive, but it seems more than necessary.
Other than that there are no TV dvds I'm watching. I finished Alias -and while I remembered the last episode...I found myself not remembering a good deal of the last 2 seasons....also I could not for the life of me remember what happened to Sark!
Come September all the last seasons will come out on DVD. So I'll have lots to watch, and will have to find the time!

This week was the In Plain Sight finale. It was really good! I really thought they were going to kill Rachel Boston's character or Delia in that big hostage situation. But Brandi running out on her wedding and then Mary going into labor or having complications or whatever really works too! -I'm gonna guess that maybe we won't be seeing anymore Joshua Malina.

Well I guess that is more than enough for one blog post...I'll try to blog more frequently, so it doesn't get smushed together.


Wednesday 13 July 2011

New Internet = TV Galore!

So my new internet was activated Monday, meaning I was able to start downloading my shows straight away this week –which is awesome as the family internet has been slowed! It means I don't have to pick and choose my shows anymore too!

So this week we started with a rather so so ep of In Plain Sight. Overall it wasn’t the greatest ep, it was just lacking something...I’m not sure what exactly. Maybe it was that Josh Malina wasn’t in it this week. Who knows.

Then there was the season 2 premiere of Rizzoli and Isles yesterday, I gotta admit I got hooked on that show. Sasha Alexander is so entertaining in it! They have some crazy dialogue on that show. 

I finally watched new Weeds and The Big C tonight. Firstly, I’m not loving Weeds...but its slowly getting better, as it does every season. Hunter Parish in a giant clear inflatable ball in his underwear was interesting....I’m also liking grown up Shane. But how does Nancy still manage to make those coffee drinks to carry around, like she has since the beginning?! Crazy.
The Big C is a fun show. But I’m not used to Cynthia Nixon as a blonde...I know that’s her natural hair color and all, but she just looks weird without the red...but at least she doesn’t have the old Miranda haircut. Haha.
That’s pretty much the tv for the week...I hate that its all at the start of the week over summer. I’ve been watching the last few eps of Cougar Town in the meantime. Still got a few left, the last few haven’t been as funny as the older ones were.

In other tv news, the nominations for this years Emmys come out Thursday night, so that’ll be interesting to see who gets one. I hope Martha Plimpton, Lauren Graham and KaDee Strickland get nods, but they are long shots, well at least Lauren and KaDee are. But they both had stellar seasons.


Tuesday 12 July 2011

Alias Revisited

So after many signs and finishing re-watching the whole of Brothers & Sisters, I felt the need to re-watch Alias from the beginning. I haven’t watched it since I got season 5 in 2008.

Firstly it looks SO weird on the big screen... Victor Garber’s face was not meant for such a big screen! Haha.

And I know I’ve watched Alias to many times, and the commentaries, when I can watch the pilot and season 1 finale without the commentary, but hear it in my head anyways! But it is still one of my all time fave shows, and had some of the best commentaries of any show past or present! I plan to go back and watch them all (or at least the cast ones) once I’m done.

Season 1 is awesome, but I’ve seen it the most, so it is easier to multitask to, until one of my fave parts comes up. My fave season one alias’ are, Victoria King, and Christiana Stephens.
Season 2 is perhaps my fave season, it’s the one I really got into the show, and since I only saw the finale of season 1 on tv, where I really fell in love with it! It also has some of the best eps. Phase One is awesome, not only did they take down SD-6 and the Alliance, but Syd and Vaughn finally made out!
My fave season 2 alias, and perhaps all-time fave alias is the one that Sydney makes out of stuff she buys at the Rite-Aid drugstore, turning herself into a blonde sorority girl with a skirt made out of contact paper – in order to escape the CIA tail.

The sad part about re-watching it all, is that I only can remember bits and pieces about what is happened in the last 3 seasons...I remembered a lot of season 3, but now I’m into season 4 and for the most part I have no idea what is coming, with a few exceptions here and there. Its kinda fun, because its almost like new, but also sad, cause I feel like I should remember.

What I’m finding interesting is that now 10 years later, Bradley Cooper is now this big movie star...I mean Jennifer has done okay, and the others were pretty big before, but Bradley went from best friend Will, to action/comedy star. I’m sure somewhere out there people who have become obsessed with him, are going back and watching him in Alias and getting hooked on it – like I have with SO many people and shows. It’s a little weird to look at it that way, but at the same time, its nice to know I was there first! –However, I haven’t seen most of his movies :P

A little under 2 seasons to go, and I’m having so much fun. Alias is one of those shows I loved as a teen and way back in the day, but the love is still there....just hidden under all the new stuff! I still get just as much enjoyment out of silly expressions and accents from Jennifer Garner, as I did back in the day! I miss JJ Abrams having tv shows. Alias did cliffhangers, and surprises like no other show! LOST was way too ensemble to have the same heart that Alias had. But I miss JJ tv. He's become all big time movie guy now!

oh and I’m also trying to watch the 3rd season of Damages, so I’m trying to alternate, but Alias is much easier to watch and not stop. But I’ll get there. 


Thursday 30 June 2011

No time to miss the old shows...

....It's straight into the new ones! Weeds and The Big C were back this week. Big YAY!

Weeds is still not as good as it was in the early days, but it was entertaining enough.  The time jump was good...Nancy was out of jail 3 years later, and the boys are coming back from Denmark. Not a lot else happened in the first ep, but it should get better when they all get back together!

The Big C was good, I didn’t expect Marlene to be appearing this season...having died in the season finale, but for the first episode at least, she was haunting Cathy! Not sure where they will go this season, but I had forgotten that Cynthia Nixon was in it...glad I finished Sex and the City a while ago.

In Plain Sight was hilarious this week! Well...Joshua Malina was...that line about “lose the shades 00-asshat!” cracked me up, and that whole scene had to be re-watched a few times! Mary’s pregnancy is also now out in the open...we’re over halfway through the season now, I get sad when there are less eps left than we’ve seen with this short season shows...they just never seem long enough!

I also watched a few more episodes of Cougar Town this week...hopefully I'll be caught up with that soon...although its nice to have something waiting...there isn't a lot else that I haven't already got!

