Thursday, 22 November 2007
Totally Flipped Around
I've watched 8 eps of the new season. It's very interesting and getting a little exciting. But I decided to hold off on downloading this weeks ep, so that I could catch up on my other shows. I've downloaded the next 3 ER eps. And I am totally loving ER this year. They seem to be going old school - bringing back characters (and actors) that haven't been around for a while, such as Sam Anderson, Amy Aquino and the guy that plays the chief or whatever....
They also have been mentioning a few of the old characters from the early days and referencing things they used to do.
However, Abby seems to be the only character with much development this year. Everyone else has things going on...but they don't get too much into them. Now Abby is my fave, and has been since the oldies left, but I really wish they would get another female doc for the ER. Since Kerry left, it seems to be there aren't many docs around anymore, and other than Abby, they're all guys.
They also seem to be using Chuni as a character a lot more this season..she's in almost every ep and has decent interaction with the rest of them. Unforunately Haleh and Lily seem to be vanishing into the background...if they even make it into an ep.
I've got one more ep to get before I have my 4 for my disc for Ness. I'm working on getting the Las Vegas eps at the moment. I have ep 6, but only half of ep 5. We have been really good with our net usage this month, so we haven't even used up all our usage yet, close but not quite. There is only 3 days left anyways. So that's why I've been getting a lot of eps this week.
Friday, 9 November 2007
So far it's pretty good. Kristin Bell showed up with her new character. Although I'm not sure if I like her yet...she seems a little annoying.
I've also been watching the season 1 dvds. I'm up to ep 19 or something. But this dvd set totally wins the prize for best commentaries. Almost every ep has one! I guess you can afford to do that with such a big cast. I haven't listened to any of them yet, but I plan to try and do one later today.
ER is also going pretty well this season. It was a little slow getting started, but I think it's going to go big again. I now it's been 14 years, but the cast has changed so much it's practically a new show. Sometimes the stories are really lacking, when I know they can do much much better. I also think they are missing someone. They need a new character.
I also got the first 4 eps of Private Practice, Grey's and Brothers and Sisters from Ness.
I've only watch the first 3 of PP and Grey's, and only 1 of Brothers and Sisters. I really like PP, I love the cast. Even Audra McDonald is rubbing off on me. Though I still miss Merrin. :(
I totally agree with Ness' comment about it needing opening credits, with a song. I think something Ally McBeal-ish would work. It needs something kicky. But other than that I like the show. They also all have dark hair..'cept for Addison of course. I dislike KaDee Strickland's character...she bugs me. lol
Grey's is good as always. Having the gang as bosses is kinda funny. I don't like Lexie that much...but she might grow on me. I think it's possible that Mark has become a bit of a filler floater person. He doesn't do much. Or maybe that's just me.
Edward Herrman as the intern totally weirds me out...he kinda looks like Santa. lol.
I can't say much about B & S yet. The first ep was pretty good. So I'll see how it goes.
Friday, 12 October 2007
The Waiting Game
This is the trouble with sharing your internet with 4 other people, 2 of which like to download stuff too!
Anyways...onto something a little more tv related. I've been watching A LOT of Grey's Anatomy lately, what with my lack of shows getting downloaded, and waiting for new eps of things from Ness. (I'm actually doing quite well at not dying for them yet actually. -I bet it will get worse once I've seen a few)
So theres's something I've been thinking about on Grey's. So it's been said that both Burke and Derek (I try to avoid calling him 'McDreamy'..but whatever.) both earn around 2 million dollars a year. Okay so we know Derek is super rich, and has all that land, and 'likes' living in the teeny tiny trailer...seriously..he needs to get a house or something.
Oh and okay, I know Burke's not in it anymore...but his appartment was TINY. I'm sure he could have found a slightly bigger, nicer place than that....seriously! I guess he was saving his moola for something else. oh well.
Oh and I've decided I want to know more about Alex's past. They've hinted at a few things, but I'm hoping that maybe this season they'll reveal something more.
Apparently I've got a one track mind at the moment. I've got a few more eps of Grey's, then I'll start Heroes season 1. Yay!
I need to buy more tv dvds!
Monday, 1 October 2007
TV is BACK!!!!
This year I'm downloading Heroes, ER, NCIS and Las Vegas. I had a lot of trouble getting the premire of Heroes. There were lots of fake files, which was very annoying. But I finally found it later in the week. Yay!
I had a mini-marathon Saturday night of ER, Heroes and NCIS. I watched the 2 hour (1.24 hours technically) of Las Vegas last night, as it was still downloading Saturday.
Out of all the eps, I think Heroes and Las Vegas were the best! NCIS and ER were both good, but lacking something. I know both can do better. ER's finale wasn't up to scratch either. I really hope they get their butts into gear soon.
I think LV and Heroes are going to be my main shows to download. And ER and NCIS my end of internet month fillers or to catch up on during breaks.
Ness is downloading Brothers & Sisters, Grey's and the new Spin-off Private Practice. I'll have to wait for those, but it's something to look forward to.
As far as new shows go, nothing sounds that great. (not counting PP) I'll wait and see what takes off. I don't want to get into something only for it to get canned after a few eps.
New Heroes to watch tomorrow. Woot!
Tuesday, 18 September 2007
The Emmy's!
So here are my thoughts. -There are TONES of people who should have one...there are even more people who really DESERVED to be nominated. -And from what I have read on various websites a lot of people argree with me. (on the particular people specifically)
These people include,
- Lauren Graham - I mean come on already! Although I must admit season 7 was not the best season...Lauren did a great job as usual!
- Maura Tierney - I'd forgotten about her myself till I was reading other people's comments. She has been really great through the last few seasons of ER. -Everyone has forgotten ER even exists. Pitty.
- Matthew Perry - I don't even know what to say about Matty. He just rocks!
- Ellen Pompeo - okay she was in the top 10...but thats still not top 5. Thoughout season 3 I was able to not HATE Meredith anymore..infact now I like her a lot! Ellen was great in this season.
- Kate Walsh - okay I'm not saying she has to WIN, but maybe next year now that she has her own show she might stand a chance.
- Dave Annabele - He was great in the first season of B&S!
- I would say Jill Hennessy..but I don't know if season 6 was as good as the others.
-There are probably a million more people who I will think of later...
okay onto the actual happenings at the Emmy's.
I was extremely disapointed with the Red Carpet interviews done by Lisa Rinna and Joey Fatone. Terrible commentary. -They also somehow managed to not talk to a single cast member from Grey's Anatomy! And the questions they asked were just horrible! Lisa Rinna did seem to be on Joey suggested. I really hope those two don't make it back next year. ick! I could do a WAY better job.
I watched the E! red carpet coverage later on, and they talked to almost all of my favourite people, and had actual conversations and did not turn 'wacky'.
As for the awards shows,
I was very happy that Katherine won. But I was disapointed that that was only emmy for Grey's! I am not a fan of the Sopranos...and have never actually seen an episode. So as far as I know it could be the best show in the whole world...but it could be a terrible show. It seemed a little Sopranos centered to me.
Now I somewhat expected Heroes to not win. Sure it would have been nice if they had. :)
The set was horrific! It's a TERRIBLE idea to put so many people behind the stage. They would have spent the whole show looking at peoples backs! It's not like they were even little known actors or fans or something...they were winning people! Stupid.
I liked the opening number, not as good as Conan's song about NBC, but still entertaining. Ryan Seacrest was okay. Not great, but not overly terrible. -But the whole stupid costume thing...was stupid. And a waste of time really. The Sing-off thing was entertaining..sort of. Steve Colbert and John Stewart were entertaining. I thought when Kira Sedgewick, Mary-Louise Parker and Glenn Close came out they looked like Charlie's Angels. And I was glad to see a varied group of presenters from all my favourite shows...that were invited.
Also..whoever is doing the announcements...learn to pronounce peoples names! Especially those who are NOMINATED!
Best Dressed
I didn't think any of the dresses I saw were terrible. But maybe they weren't showing those. I loved all the ones that were brightly colored. -Except Minnie Driver's yellow one...but that might be bias, because I just don't like her.
I thought Katherine Heigl looked gorgeous! I liked Kate Walsh and Ali Larter in the red. -Ali Larter has this look like she's made to be there all glammed up. I didn't like Ellen Pompeo's was a bit odd. At first I thought she'd cut it really short.
I also was not a fan of Terry O'Quinn's bright metallic pink just didn't work for me.
I sit on the fence regarding Vanessa Williams' feather dress. I liked the color, just not so sure about the feathers.
I might do a more extensive review of the fashions, when the magazines come out next week.
Monday, 10 September 2007
Kate Walsh - The Sitcom...SERIOUSLY
Now I though Lauren Graham's interviews were weird and bizzare....okay they still ARE...
But in every interview Kate Walsh ends up talking about some weird thing that she did or happened to her, rather than about the show. (Which personally I find a little more interesting) Each time I hear something else that she's done, it gets me thinking of a sitcom. I've made a list (I was bored in a lecture), and I will post the list later of all the things that I feel could play out in an actual sitcom. So perhaps something to include on the Fall 2008 lineup. The Kate Walsh Show.
Saturday, 8 September 2007
A Random Dream...Don't Get Me Started!
Last night I had this majorly weird Gilmore Girls dream. It was like a full blown ep or something. (I'm going through serious watching Awww-worthy eps on foxtel sometimes doesn't help). in my dream, Lorelai (and Rory) moves to the country to get away from Stars Hollow...and Luke - this was set somewhere between when they broke up and when they got back together...-now I know you're probably saying to yourself, Stars Hollow isn't exactly city...but the was way way out middle of nowhere country...with horse and cart type Rory is still going off to college, and comes to visit sometimes...I forget exactly what happened in the middle, but near the end..which has been at least a year or something I think, this guy comes in this horse and carriage, and gives them these tins (think those eclipse mint tins), they are black and have writing on them...saying Christopher's death date or an obituary...and there reaction was sad...but not overly dramatic..which was a little strange...I think they didn't like Christopher for something...even Rory. SO anyhoo...I woke up around I don't know what happened after that.... Possibly Luke tracked them down and came to visit...maybe. lol Oh and there was a fire and some weird guests too.
.....The problem was I woke up early (for a weekend) in the morning, like 7am or something, and then sat in bed for a while before I went back to sleep, thinking how much I want them to make a Gilmore Girls tv movie. -and also just how much I hated...okay hated is a strong word, anyways..the last season (7) just wasn't up to scratch really in some ways. They really dragged out the Christopher thing...and I REALLY hate Christopher, and then didn't get Lorelai and Luke back together till the very end of the finale. ...just wasn't satisfactory as an ending at all! there's the whole loose end that is Sookie's 3rd child...okay even if it was a real life thing written into the should still be dealt with!
I think this whole, having no new eps of anything is really messing with me! I've got too much time to overthink things. -But you know what, I'm not the same way about the Crossing Jordan finale...I knew that CJ never stood a chance of ending in a good way...with Jordan and Woody have actually had a chance to TRY and have a relationship..rather than random one time deals...
Gilmore Girls always seemed tie up the loose ends they had, and had a very rounded out season...but season 7 felt too dragged out, and then they only had a short amount of time left for polishing it off.
Okay I will TRY and let it go....I said TRY!
Thursday, 30 August 2007
More Quotes
Sam- Ed's the master mind behind this whole thing and Nessa and Delinda are his evil little minions. See, I never trusted those supermodel bitches, they've been planning this for weeks! Months!
Sam- I never trusted her and that English accent. That's not her accent!
Sam- We have a problem, we are completely overbooked and then your boy Danny just gave away our last two suites to the relatively hot cop and the bitchy mortician from Boston.
Sam- Wha's happening to you? I say trashy and this is the best you can do?
Mary-Sorry they cancelled my Whores R Us card.
Delinda- Why is she so freaked out about a billionaire husband who is smokin hot, sexy and sweet?
Nessa- He's the one guy alive who can do to her what she does to everyone else.
Delinda- You mean manipulate, scam, scheme and seduce?
Monday, 27 August 2007
The next lot will be Studio 60 and Brothers and Sisters, which will arrive in October/early Nov.
and then NCIS and 90210 in December. -Just in time for chrissy!
Sunday, 26 August 2007
Michael Buble: "Mary you don't have to yell! Mimes can hear, they just can't talk."
Ed: "Are they on drugs?"
Ed: "Would you believe she has a genius IQ?"
Sam: "No"
Nessa: "I know it won't be the same without Mary!"
Sam: "No it won’t!"
Nessa: "I'm sorry did you just get misty-eyed?!"
Sam: "NO!"
Delinda: "I mean I have a great....everything! I could be the new face! New Face!"
Sam: "I would not like to be in your brain."
Delinda: "It does kinda give me a headache sometimes."
Ed: "Well why can't you jog during the day?"
Delinda: "Cause it's 115 during the day! I think I think I have a better chance of surviving someone trying to pick me up, than jogging in the heat of the Vegas day!"
Delinda: "But he was definitely creepy!"
Ed: "Creepy how?"
Delinda: "Creepy creepy creepy!"
Nessa: "Your spouse's name is blacked out!"
oh I'm going to be speaking them in my sleep I think!
Toodles. -Carlie :)
Tuesday, 21 August 2007
Can there be too much tv?
I think I'll see how my work goes, if I get shifts next week and the week after, I might consider ordering 3 dvd sets instead of just 2...or 4 instead of 3 etc. I really want to start with Grey's Anatomy season's 2 and 3...but I should also work out whether NCIS comes out around the same time, and also Studio 60... buying them at the same time will save on postage...or maybe breaking it up into smaller groups, so I don't have to wait as long. -This is something that is going to bug me for a little while...
Damm options! It was so much easier when I had less to choose from!
Saturday, 18 August 2007
The Perfect Cast
Lauren Graham
Matthew Perry
Jill Hennessy
Joshua Jackson
and possibly Lisa Kudrow - though in retrospect, I'm not sure we could have both Matthew AND Lisa in the one series...maybe she could just be a sometimes character.
and more...we need a blonde perhaps.
-I'm sure there could be guest stars from maybe some still-running series.
...Ness and I were thinking we need to make sure to include the 3 or 4 'staples' of any tv series. -The character in a box ep, the hostage/kidnap situation, a wedding, and someone has a baby.
Wednesday, 15 August 2007
New Obsession
I am very excited about September/October. I can't wait for new episodes of the shows I love (that are returning) and am willing to give a few new shows a chance. Even though some of my beloved shows will be sadly missed, I have plently of shows to keep me entertained.
In particular, my new full blown obsession with Grey's Anatomy. It's the Buffy after my Charmed, there is always another show I love waiting in the wings to take over in place of my previous obsessions. Season 3 of Grey's was great, and am I looking forward to the Addison spin-off. I bought season 1 on dvd, and am dying to get season 2 on dvd, but I will not allow myself to spend more than $50 (my limits gone up from $40) on a dvd. Dammed principles!
The calendars for 2008 are coming out soon, and I think I am going to end up with 5 different ones just for my bedroom! There are SO many ones that I'm gonna want! It's going to be a tough choice.
Ooooo. I should also mention my excitment for the fact that Australia is FINALLY getting TIVO! Tivo is awesome. I know that I may not end up getting it...but it's the point that I COULD. Anyhoo very excited.
Also the Emmy's are coming up soon too! yay!
Sunday, 24 June 2007
Winding Down Now
And I have watched the series finales of Crossing Jordan, and Gilmore Girls. - Both of which were not really inteded as real series finales, but just in case ones. Which totally sucked, while hte eps were good, as finales they were missing that something ...closeur! Crossing Jordan in retrospect had no real closure. Okay so we know they were rescued, Jordan admited her feelings to Woody..and he reciprocated, and the final scene with Jordan and Garret was pretty perfect...however, that was a show that never should have ended on the side of a mountain. There was no great death, no resolution of Emily's murder -which drove the early seasons of the series, and there is just not a 'this is the end' feeling.
Then there is Gilmore Girls, it ended with nods to the pilot, and earlier themes, there was the reuniting of Lorelai and Luke, and Rory found a job post-college.
But it still felt slightly empty. I don't know exactly what was wrong with it...but it just needed something else....although I am glad they didn't pull a Luke/Lorelai wedding...cause that would have been just crazy..and not the good kind!
I still have the finales of NCIS, Desperate Housewives, Lost and Grey's Anatomy left. I am really looking forward to September, when there will be shows for me to download again.
Saturday, 2 June 2007
My CJ Vid
******Warning: Spoilers for the finale******
Wednesday, 16 May 2007
A Few Tears For Crossing Jordan

But what makes me really angry, is how sad it is. For all the loose ends that will never be tied up.
So here are a few tears,
One for all the hugs that will be no more
one for the people we truely adore
one for the romances from the beginning condemed
one for the stories that never got to end
one for the singing will will no longer hear
one for the answeres that will never appear
one for the memories that we share
one for the people who actually care
one for the talents of all those involved
one for the mysteries that will go unsolved
one for the pain in my heart
one for the dedication right from the start
one for all the time I spent loving you
one for 'Intruded', and one for 'A Man in Blue'
one for every episode, for every year
one for every smile, and for every tear
one for the characters new and old
one for from the first ep I was sold
one for Nigel, for Garret, and for Lily
one for Peter, for Bug, and a guy almost called Milly
one for Elaine, for Maggie, for Abby, and our favourite called Jordan
one for Kate, for Sidney, for Renee and for Devan
one for the friends that I've made
one for how much I wish you had stayed
one for the thankyou's, you were truely the best
one for the chance to obsess
one for only tiny moments we have now
one for good bye, though we don't really know why
one for good luck, and wish you only good
one for how I wish I understood
one for all the credit you were due
one for I'll find you all somewhere new
I loved Crossing Jordan, it was my passion
I'll miss it everyday, and will always appreciate all the work people put into making it what it was.
Saturday, 12 May 2007
This is not a post of anger, but one of reflection.
Because of Crossing Jordan,
-around the 2nd half of season 4, I went searching the supermarket to collect the Evian bottles that Jordan and Lily seemed to be drinking in 'Skin and Bone', I managed to find one of each kind.
-after the season 2 finale, I became obsessed with cinnanmon toast-I became obsessed with the red sox (I didn't really have a team before, as I live in Australia...)
-my obsession with the city of Boston greatly increased-I bought the Duck and 'lamb' jamies Jordan wore in the 2nd CJ/LV crossover off ebay
-I started downloading the eps at season 5, instead of waiting for them to air on Australia tv months later-I attempted to create a website, and write CJ fanfiction
-I bought the CJ 100th ep variety mag, and 2 CJ emmy posters off ebay
-I bought all the Jill Hennessy movies I could find, and tried to watch many of those of the other cast.
-I sat all day through a CJ marathon on foxtel, and have taped every single ep.
-Jordan became one of my favourite Girls names...oddly enough Lily and Abby are also faves (though they come from other places)
There are probably many other things I have done, or have been influence because of Crossing Jordan. But I loved every minute, and wish to thank everyone involved with the show for 6 great years of it. And to those here who gave me somewhere to express my obsession with all of you :)
I HATE Televsion!!!
It was just made official that CJ has been axed. So thats 2 shows that I love that will not be returning next year. And while I really like some other shows...these 2 were my faves for a long time. In the words of Sookie St James "I am so Sad, and I am so mad. I'm Smad!" I want to cry...I've invested a lot in both these shows. Right now I hate every other shows on tv, because it gets another season, and CJ and Gilmore Girls don't....though for different reasons, CJ because the network didn't want it anymore, and GG because the actors felt it was time to wrap it up....but either way that doesn't change the fact that they aren't coming back.
I really don't feel like watching tv anymore. Las Vegas is going to continue...but without Ed, and in my opinion...what's the point?! Ed IS Las Vegas.
I have watched CJ since pretty much the beginning, I watched it and loved it, when noone else I knew watched it. I became obsessed with it, and found others that shared my passion. I have fallen in love with the characters and the stories, and greatly admire ALL the cast for their great talents, that they have shared with us over the years. - It just proves how good of an actor Jerry O'Connell is, when he can be SO normal on CJ, and so wacky in interviews. lol. Kathryn Hahn and her silly expressions is an amazing character actor, all her characters have been interesting, and different. Steve Valentine was a hoot! He made Nigel very loveable, and yet very weird at the same time. Ravi Kapoor, has come very far with Bug, and did a great job directing an ep of this season. Miguel Ferrer, he's the boss everyone wants. He made Garret human, and you just really felt the chemistry he and Jill had together. ....Jill Hennessy. What can you say about Jill? She blew me away throughout the six years this show was running.
This was an amazing cast. Much more talented than many others on tv.
And all the actors that were part of the show as well, Brooke Smith - who made me love Kate, when I didn't expect to. Leslie Bibb, Susan Gibney, Jennifer Finnigan, Ken Howard, and every other person who made this show great. Big kudos to Tim and Allan.
I wish these actors all the best, and hope to see them prosper in future prospects.
I am so glad foxtel has CJ....since dvds still don't seem on the cards anytime soon. Today I am heartbroken, it's like losing a friend.
Thursday, 10 May 2007
Bye-Bye Gilmore Girls
I still don't know about CJ yet.....I think it may go...but I'm hoping with all hope that it will come back next season. I don't want to lose two shows at once again!
I seem to lose a show a show every year...which I guess is bound to happen when you watch A LOT of shows. But if CJ goes as well...then the longest running out of all the shows I watch will be, SVU, and Las Vegas. ...oh yeah..and ER.....which is in it's 13th season already!
Well however it all turns out, there is always dvds....but I will really miss the charcters of the Lorelai's Gilmore (Rory included), and the town of Stars Hollow, and Richard and Emily, and Logan, etc etc. The show got a lot of bad rap, but I still loved it! There's noone like Lorelai to bring you out of a really grumpy mood. .....'cept the eps where she broke up with Luke... :(
Rest in Peace dear Gilmore Girls....we knew ye well!
Friday, 4 May 2007
Aussie TV
And was thinking the other day why it is that Aussie shows don't really last.
Here are some observations,
- Aussie TV doesn't have a big budget
- as a result uses lower quality film, which means it doesn't look as shiny as the American shows.
- The shows are all the same, the shows that don't last long are usually set in either Melbourne or Sydney, and revolve around a bunch of people, sometimes around a workplace.
- Australia is very different, and each state is different.
- We don't seem to have the imagination, or it is not shown
I dunno why Aussie tv make it. I mean sure we have a few good shows, such as Kath and Kim, and maybe McLeods Daughters (I've never watched it, but its been going for a while, so someone must be watching it). But we are best at more comedy/variety shows I think.
Now I'm not really an Aussie TV fan myself -I'm very happy to watch my American shows...
but maybe some day Aussie TV will find a place on tv...just for the sake of it!
Till next time
Wednesday, 2 May 2007
I realised the other day that, excluding game shows, I watch just as many shows on regular (live) tv, as I do via downloading from the US.
These are the shows I am currently downloading, or am getting from a friend, who has downloaded them.
- Crossing Jordan
- Las Vegas
- Heroes
- Brothers and Sisters (Vanessa)
- ER (Vanessa)
- Gilmore Girls (Vanessa)
And these are the shows that I am watching on Aussie TV.
- Grey's Anatomy
- Ugly Betty
- Desperate Housewives
- Lost
- Law and Order: SVU
Originally I was downloading NCIS at the start of it's current season, but it had to give way to Crossing Jordan, when that came back in January.
And also the idea was that I was downloading the shows I was obsessed with, but recently I've really gotten into Grey's, which is odd seeing as I was getting very bored with it last year in season 2. Odd.
I also watch two Aussie variety programs, Spicks and Speck on the ABC - a music quiz show...with a very relaxed feel. And The Rich List on channel 7. Which I've gotten into because I like to see how many of the things on the lists I can think of by myself. -I'm quite good when it comes to US states, or Presidents, or movies, or TV, and sometimes other stuff. But I'm not at all good at the sports stuff, or some of the music stuff. That all depends on the specific topic or person, some of the music stuff I am really good at. lol
Well hopefully my next post will be about a specific show or perhaps even my reason/justification for downloading TV as opposed to downloading movies or whole albums.